View Full Version : Always thinking....?

08-26-2006, 08:14 PM
Hi everyone, I always think the worst is happening to me. it's weird, if i got a pain in my stomach I think I have appendicitis, if I get a headach I think it's a brain tumor, etc.. I told my psychologist about it and he said that we are going to start the therapy my next appt which is in like 3 days, does anyone no what this therapy will be? I also have a fear of being alone, Mostly by myself I fear but also when my mother goes away, I think it comes from when I was a child my mother was my protecter and once I started feeling this way I feel like I need to be sheltered again. I was wondering if anyone has had these feelings or these fear and how they overcame them. With the slight thought that I may have appendicitis or something else can put me into a horrible panic attack aswell as my mother or my boyfriend saying that they are going away. any ideas?

Mr Jingles
05-07-2015, 02:12 AM
Well, my mind loves to give me "what if" scenarios galore. And I've had worries about the health, like you.

Most recently I worried that maybe all my anxiety is really a physical problem like thyroid. Even though that's unlikely, my mind kept shouting at me about it. So today I ordered the thyroid panel. I figure if it comes back all fine it might help me to get the mind to shut up.

In general, I find taking action on the fears to be best for me. It helps combat my greatest fear that anxiety has crippled me so much I can't handle my life. But balanced with action is compassion for myself. I recognize I'm carrying a heavy burden and the smallest things can send me into a day of panic attacks, so I really try to adjust these baby action steps to give what I can that day. Micro stretches.