View Full Version : Help moving on

02-11-2011, 11:38 AM
Hey guys, I had a panic attack on the 30th December, first panic attack (I'm 24), it was brought on by reasons unknown. I have had mild and standard anxiety before such as worrying about uni work, the future, friends/family but since the panic attack I have become a bit obsessed with my health and what all the symptoms mean.

My main symptoms are difficult breathing, a dull pain around the heart, shooting pains around the heart, occasional tiredness/dizziness.

Mentally I have began to understand that these are all know symptoms of anxiety and they mean nothing serious but some days I just lose track and fall into a pit of worry and despair.

I refused meds from the doctors and only occasional take Kalms and drink Chamolile tea.

However, the pains are coming to a point were I am considering taking medication from my doctor but before I do that I want to get over it naturally.

What I'm asking for is help to understand why the symptoms occur in more detail (muscle tension/release of adrenaline are too basic).

I'm not a scientist but I'm fairly intelligent so if someone could share or point me to the right place so I can fully understand the causes of this symptoms




One of the reason's I have yet to move on is because I feel mentally fine but I still have the symptoms, so the logic of this makes me think it isn't anxiety thus keeping me in a circle.

02-11-2011, 02:19 PM
Do you get pain in your left shoulder and down your arm? It seems that me and you almost share the same amount of symptoms. I constantly worry about my heart and what it does. Everyone tells me your 23 and not super overweight(in fact been losing it since the anxiety started), blood pressure has been dropping and cholestrol wasn't high(right on the threshold for average). The most we can do is push these feelings away and concentrate on something else. I've been to the doctor and he tells me I'm find and I feel good but a few hours after leaving I begin questioning everything again. It's a tough journey to make but we'll get through it.