View Full Version : Hello....Anxiety is ruining my life

02-08-2011, 10:46 AM

About a few years ago I moved from California to Texas. I started a job at a big corp. They were working 7 days a week and it was manufacturing so there was a lot of pressure to get things done. I started having weird symptoms. Heart racing, getting hot and dizzy, then started having chest pains. I finally went to the nurse on site and my blood pressure was over 100. She told me to get into a doctor that day. So I did. They took my blood pressure and it was high and put me on pills for blood pressure. Then did a EKG and an Eco cardiogram. Everything turned out fine. He prescribed me Zoloft. Started out with a 1/3 of a pill of the smallest dosage. That didn't work so we up the dose about 2 more times. I felt like it never went away. I came to the conclusion it was my job. I ended up quitting and got off the pills. And now the anxiety is back due to personal reasons. I feel like I could have a heart attack at any moment and it scares the crap out of me cause strokes and heart attacks run in my family. Every day I am afraid of getting run to the emergency. I have an app with my doctor tomorrow to find something to help. I also have a weird weak feeling in my arm.. I dont know if others have these symptoms. Please Help. Any advice given would be awesome!!