View Full Version : anyone get this feeling

08-25-2006, 09:12 PM
When I get super nervous my heart and upper chest area just feel terrible. but then it seems like it all goes to my stomach and thats just as bad its so strong and its like my stomach is very upset and shaking or something idk. Its hard to explain but it like hurts it sucks. I was wondering if anyone has the same thing or know whats im talking about.

08-26-2006, 02:13 PM
well i dont get the pains but i do get a very uncomfortable stomach. I also get discomfort in my chest all i can say is that these symptoms are natural of somebody confronted with fear. All you need to do is try and relax your self. Breathing techniques will definatly reduce the chest problems. The stomach I think you will just have to put up with...only thing I can suggest is to make sure you have eaten enough. When Im anxious I go off my food and this only makes things worse. Regular exercise may also reduce chest problems.

Hope that helps 8)

09-13-2006, 12:27 AM
You have panic attacks. It's that simple. Medication can help. Therapy can too, for some people, but you have to truly try to change your life as your therapist will tell you. Don't be overly concerned; you don't have a life-threatening illness or physiological disorder. You're bodily symptoms stem from your mind . . . which doesn't help to prevent them at all.
But still, you experience panic attacks. Talk to your general practicioner at the very least; in this day and age most of those doctors recognize panic attacks and can help you medically, or at the very least refer you to a reputable psychiatrist.