View Full Version : Scariest Symptom(s)?

02-08-2011, 03:59 AM
I think the scariest symptoms I experience are Derealization and Depersonalization with super overwhelming fear which I usually experience on a daily basis. Also Lightheadedness when you close your eyes and you feel like your flying and I'm absolutley horrified of heights so thats pretty damn scary for me. Anyway what do my fellow anxiety sufferer's feel the scariest symptom(s) is/are? I'd like to know

02-08-2011, 07:16 AM
derealization was the worst for me, and i remember exactly the day I first had it. It's unbearable, i get it rarely now mostly only when I start thinking about it or im really tired.
My other biggest fear was losing my mind like forwells, n I still get fears about that unfortunately. The only reason I don't think i'm insane, is because im just as sane as everyone around me. So we'd all have to be insane :)

02-08-2011, 09:36 AM
Depersonalization and the fear of losing my mind. I struggle with that fear almost every day because many of my doctors tell me my seizures are all in my head--that they're a psychological problem. And sure, some of them are. But not all of them. But sometimes I even question that, despite the fact that I have a firm diagnosis of epilepsy. *bangs head against keyboard* It's driving me up the wall!!

But on the bright side, in the event of a zombie apocalypse, I wouldn't be in any danger if I DID lose my mind. My mind would though, especially if it has my sense of direction! It would be irrevocably lost, and then eaten.

02-09-2011, 09:47 AM
Depersonalization and lightheaded for sure. but mostly fear of going crazy and being this way forever and fear of dieing. and BIGGEST issue is fear of heart attack

02-09-2011, 02:04 PM
Depersonalization and lightheaded for sure. but mostly fear of going crazy and being this way forever and fear of dieing. and BIGGEST issue is fear of heart attack

Definitely have the huge fear of dying and the fear of something heart related. Biggest thought that pops in my head is heart disease. People tell me I'm 23 and the doctor said my blood count is great. Cholesterol is 127 and my blood pressure was a little high (dropped from the last doctor visit I had) but I just can't seem to shake the feeling sometimes. Especially when I hear a gurgle in there. I believe mamas has said she has that too though. Could be from the deep breathing that I'm always doing trying to find a discomfort somewhere.

02-10-2011, 04:32 AM
i would have to say my worst symptom would the lack of/losing interest in things because i feel if i had things to distract me, then i wouldnt have time to let my mind wonder and become anxious,
but how can i do this when lack of/losing interest is a symptom of anxiety. i feel im just stuck in a never ending cycle.

02-11-2011, 10:27 AM
Heart Attack/Heart Disease for sure!

02-15-2011, 07:04 AM
Fear of Dying Prematurely or having a heart attack does pop up sometimes when stress takes over, but a good diversions topped with a healthy diet works great at getting all the thoughts and symptoms away, Even my Blood pressure sometimes goes a pinch higher than normal but again its mostly due lack of sleep a night before or due to lightning fast thoughts due to work, This is completely normal as even normal people have the same highs & lows everyday, its just due to our heightened senses we notice it & give it much importance..............Very soon i will post my Anti-Anxiety Diet which has been doing wonders for me to get rid of nearly all the high anxiety sensations and also giving me good sleep...its a simple list of foods which i eat, which leads to great energy, Which leads to no absolutely no physical sensations, which leads to full positive thoughts, which in turn leads to a very active me......I am sure it will helps you guys too....:)

02-15-2011, 10:36 AM
I think the scariest symptoms I experience are Derealization and Depersonalization with super overwhelming fear which I usually experience on a daily basis. Also Lightheadedness when you close your eyes and you feel like your flying and I'm absolutley horrified of heights so thats pretty damn scary for me. Anyway what do my fellow anxiety sufferer's feel the scariest symptom(s) is/are? I'd like to know

I'm glad I haven't experienced derealization/depersonalization.
I do feel like I'm losing my mind sometimes. that I can't control my own thoughts. That I don't know if what I am experiencing physically is just mental or real. I fear that every little something my body feels means that I'm going to die with some horrible condition and it could happen TODAY if I don't get to the hospital or something. and then I fear that doctors won't take me seriously (and really, why would they) and just tell me it's all in my head but I'm so sure (or think I might possibly be sure) that something really terrible is happening in my body. like last night, I was afraid that I might have an ectopic pregnancy. I try to reason with myself but ever "reason" I came up with, I could come up with an opposing argument. so I hate that symptom the most because I feel so out of control and like i'm losing my mind.

03-06-2011, 10:56 PM
anything related to heart or brain veins

03-07-2011, 09:50 AM
What do you mean by brain veins

03-07-2011, 12:31 PM
brain circulation