View Full Version : Girl new to anxiety here

02-07-2011, 04:15 AM
Hello everyone

My name is Mina. I'm 27 and from North England, and for the past, well almost 9 months now, I have been suffering with what I now have come to realise is anxiety (after looking at the list on this site of anxiety symptoms).

From what I can logically deduce, it all stems from a very traumatic experience I had at my previous job which spanned for 4 months, after which i left after being signed off and asked to sign a compromise agreement and to take a big bag of cash agreeing to not sue them for what they did and not to tell anybody. At the time i was happy to never go back and to have the cash, and did not understand why i had the cash, but now I realise the damage they did to me and how much I could have sued them for!

I now feel so tightly wound all the time. I have the heartburn and the stabbing in my chest everyday, and sometimes it gets so bad i can't move or breathe, and they come on randomly now, but more so when i am on the way to work on the bus, or thinking about work,or after drinking coffee (de-caf from now on!), or talking about problems etc.

I am currently doing cCBT - have done Beating the Blues and am now onto Living Life to the Full, which do help to a point, but i think i need more help with the anxiety. I used to be depressed and do get so sometimes, but its the anxiety that plagues me everyday (the pains in the chest are so bloody annoying!).

Its been helpful for me to realise my symtpoms are all linked to anxiety - at least i know whats wrong with me - i just need to find ways of dealing with it as i am looking to start a family this year!

So, any help / advice?
