View Full Version : Panic Attacks 24/7

08-23-2006, 07:06 PM
hi all,

ill start from the beginging hope i wont bore you all.

i got my 1st panic attack when i was about 13/14 and i kept feeling like i couldnt breath. i also used to think i had every disease going. as i grew older i stopped having these thoughts and panic attacks till i was 19/20. it was the day i was flying on holiday. i had never flown and never been away on holiday with out parents etc. i started feeling like i couldnt breath when i was shopping for clothes. i stopped drinking and smoking for fear i would die if i did. i wanted to be in control 24/7. aafter 6mths again they stopped i was fine....till last year.

i walked into a pub and all of a sudden felt sick hot and felt like i was gonna pass out i felt i couldnt breath and had to leave. i had to go home. since then i have suffered these all the time. i get nervous when i go out to usual places if im out on a night i have to drink 2 pints at the bar to calm me down.

i now started getting them seriously bad when im driving i LOVE driving but not no more. i cant drive out of my street without this happing and its ruining my life. i cry and get scred i cant breath and i will die or have a heart attack.

its ruining my job my relationship and my life. i dont know where to start. i keep driving to try not let it beat me BUT it now is i have to turn around or be drinking alcohol to go anywhere. if i dont i cant do it.

even now at home i feel like this.

can anyone help?

08-24-2006, 04:21 PM
How are you doing today? When I first started getting panic attacks I didn't know what was going on...I was driving to work and couldn't breath. I know what you are going thru. Have you seen any doctors? They have some good meds out there for anxiety.

08-26-2006, 03:28 PM
hi there, hope your well

hmmm no not good at all was meant to travel 40miles to see my fiancee but i couldnt do it :(

i went to the drs and they said try meditation etc but im going again next week cause its serious affecting my life. Dr's here are a bit weird in London lol. i just want to get rid of it.

i dont like the idea of drugs but if they help then maybe....im worried ill get attached to drugs or something :S

08-26-2006, 05:33 PM
hey diamonds I am the same

Ive nvr taken meds and i nvr want too. Im scared Ill become too dependant and wont be able to live without them!

08-28-2006, 01:22 PM
yeh same as i dont want to become strange or something ya know. not spoke to anyone who has used them before

09-10-2006, 07:30 AM
When I first started getting panic attacks I had them constantly for about two weeks; then I went to the doctors and was prescribed Propanolol (Betablockers). It broke the cycle and now I rarely get them anymore - if I hadn't taken them I probably would have failed my A Levels.
Betablockers are good because they affect your physical symptoms and stop you shaking so you don't need to take them for very long for them to have a great effect. Also, I don't think they can make your anxiety any worse because they don't really affect you mentally, they just stop your physical symptoms. They did make me rather tired though.

11-03-2006, 05:22 AM
mmm, panic attacks over death.. one of the worse things I think... I hate that feeling when I think my spirit is slipping out of my body.. Heart starts racing, cant breath, get all light headed and bug eyed. Yeah I was a 24/7 panic attack also when I first started getting them.

Never took meds.. very same as you. In fact I stoped drinking and smoking the very day I got my panic attacks. didnt take nothing after that moment.. even stopped drinking caffiene things of that nature. It seemed anything that was a stimulant would affect my anxiety.

It was very hard coping without meds, but I felt in control and was comferted by that.

been two years now... Anxiety will always be with me, not as a problem so much anymore (i wont lie, it still has its short lived random day) but more as a reminder... In a weird morbid way I kind of cherish the life teachings that anxiety has gave me... ive grown old in the past 2 yrs. (23 now :) )
you obviously feel the same way about stimulants/meds stick to your guns,, its tough but I think its an effective road to recovery.. get back to "Normal" state again.. feel peace again.. Its so doable, just gotta work it. Best of luck.