View Full Version : Please, please help me... :(

02-05-2011, 03:36 AM
Hi everyone, my name is Jordan. I feel I need to share my story and see if there is anyone who may have experienced something similar to this...as I'm totally lost right now in life and desperate for answers or understanding...

It all started two years ago when my grandmother passed away, followed by losing my father due to injuries sustained when my house burned down, to my grandfather dieing, to finally my mom passing away on my 21st(my parents were both fairly young). Birthday... My life has come unglued and I feel that perhaps the constant depression, anxiety, and anxiet attacks have begun to take a toll on my physical health as well...

Here's where it gets confusing and frustrating..*the symptom that freightens me the most is I seem to constantly be hazed...As if my life has turned into a motion picture film from years past. Something visually isn't right and its been confirmed I'm not anemic, my eyesight has been confirmed not to be the cause. I must state I woke up one day and noticed it...This has been a chronic issue for months now...with no relief or any sign of improvement*My physical health has taken a significant toll...I've lost 40 pounds, am constantly tired, have symptoms of IBS/Crohn's Disease/Colon Cancer, my sleeping habits are erratic, constant fear of dieing. However after blood tests and such there is no indication of any kind of health problem. I am hoping to either A. find someone on here who has lost both parents atan earl age. B. find some people who've experienced physical symptoms such as I have and found out it was anxiety, C. gain an understanding how much depression/anxiety/constant anxiety attacks can affect a person phyically. D. Any kind of input from anyone who reads this

At 21 I feel like everyone around me is dieing and at a young age...my world has completely been turned upside down and shredded me to nothing more than a husk of my former self...I'm desperate to get my life on track...but I constantly worry that I wont have that chance. I dont know if this is a serious mental problem*I may have post traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, severe depression, generalized anxiety disorder, and major depressive disorder* or maybe the revolving cycle is coming my way next...

Everyone around me thinks its mental related but I simply ask any of you if you've experienced anything as physically impairing as I mentioned above...I question if stress and all the disorders above an do all that? :(. I've never been a hypocondriac in my life before...but because of everything thats happend I dont know if I somehow developed it or if it is indeed a serious illness.

Lastly I'd like to thank everyone who reads this and please offer in sight, any would be helpful. I'm desperate and yet I have no idea how to fight what I presume to be simply a combination of mental disorders taking a toll on me physically... Please help me.

Itz Omi
02-05-2011, 09:52 AM
Hi, Lost Soul, I sent you a Private Message. :)

02-05-2011, 05:44 PM
Thank you very much and I responded back! Thank you!!! :)

02-07-2011, 04:40 PM
I'm sorry for your losses as well forwells =(. That sounds horrible.
I see a therapist and seeing her helps, although I seem to change the subject whenever the subject of my parents comes up, the house, ect...But I admit my mind seems to shut down if I attempt to assuage me everytime I think about what happend..It's almost impossible for me to think of it or I get extremly irritable and such...I think I need to find a way to let my emotion out yet it seems virtually impossible. I think as you said it will just take time. It's just all so frustrating.