View Full Version : herbs safe to take with klonopin to aid sleep

02-04-2011, 04:49 AM
i take a low dose of klonopin at night to help with sleep but still have trouble with sleep. would rather not increase klonopin dose. have tried other sleep aids previously (ambien, lunesta, etc.) without good results or with negative side effects. are there any herbs that are safe to take with klonopin that aid relaxation and sleep? i don't have trouble getting to sleep - i have trouble staying asleep. i have already adjusted other factors (no light in room, temperature, etc.). i have heard that some herbs can help but some can interact with the effectiveness of klonopin. any suggestions would be appreciated!

02-05-2011, 02:13 AM
Unless you wanna take klonopin for the rest of your life, and other sleeping aids, I suggest you change your lifestyle first.
Go for a 5 mile run at 6 am in the morning. Don't sleep during the day. Then go to bed at your normal time. If you still don't get a good nights sleep, do it again, and DON'T sleep in the day. The body will eventually shut itself down to repair itself, giving you a deeper sleep and less interruptions.
Eat well, and to an extent avoid alcohol. It gives you a bad nights sleep.

Herbal supplements I know are melatonin, valerian root and kava. I dont know how they interact with klonopin. When I had sleeping issues with anxiety I tried all herbal supplements and they didn't do anything. I just wasted my money.

Anyway, it's not good that you are regularly relying on klonopin to get some sleep. Eventually your body will tolerate the klonopin, making it less effective and last less hours. This will wake you up as soon as the drug has stopped taking effect... Which means, in order for you to get a good nights sleep, you'll have to take a larger dose. And this is an ongoing cycle.

I speak from experience, I abused benzo's (xanax and klonopin) recreationally ( i thought they were fun) and now if I take a 2mg bar xanax at midnight, i'll wake up at 4am as if I never took it.

Just be careful, they are ugly drugs