View Full Version : help please dunno if its anxiety or missing something help

02-03-2011, 06:19 PM
Hi just wanted to get a opinion on something that might be this so here I go,
I got sick in march 2010 with viral bronchitis and haven't been exactly the same since before I got sick, I never been in a hospital before which was the first time, I ended up gettin weird vision like sometimes blurry but not its like not the same and I'm better now just don't really wanna do much or go out much I'm always sitting around even tho I have in the past during winter months but still don't feel the same like I used to when I used to sit around , idk if its boredom or what my doctors told me its boredom and its gets to me, I went to a phscratrist and he said there's no signs of depression but im gettin anxiety from cigarettes , which I don't smoke anymore so I went back to him and told him my anxiety got better on Klonopin but didn't help my driving anxiety much so I got a eeg of my head and everything came up normal , so then recently I been gettin headaches once and awhile and still this weird vision , I had everything done even chiropractor , so I been thinking it might have something to do with Sinuses causing me to get fatigue and headaches and feeling summed out , as of now I'm mostly lazy a bit and bummed out like i don't wanna do anything , so is it Sinuses ?, boredom?, that's causing me to feel bummed out and lazy? Or could It be something else? I have been feeling a bit better but it seems like its taking awhile I also got thyroid takin also which can up good, and I'm healthy , so if anyone could give me opinions or help I would highly appreciate the help , I am currently on antibiotics for Sinuses and gettin ct of face soon