View Full Version : I'm new

02-03-2011, 11:25 AM
Hey. I'm new to the forums.

I'm not one who openly admits to having any kind of anxiety problems to people, so my joining this forum is strictly kept secret from friends and family.

I've been having some symptoms of late, symptoms with my head to which I am unsure of the cause. It could be anxiety (I have read this somewhere) so I figured it could be related to issues I know I have, issues that in all honesty I did not think were that bad. However some big changes are about to happen in my life, a lot of uncertainty is in the air. I don't often feel concious of my feelings of anxiety due to these life changes. For example I could be watching a film and not thinking about all the things that are happening yet still find myself getting these symptoms, then I become anxious about my symptoms. The symptoms that I speak of are the following:

Headaches (But not full on)
A burning feeling inside my head
Ringing in my ears
What feels like pressure in my head
Memory is not too good (But this can also be explained by another illness. But I'm sure it's getting worse...then again I can't remember....)
Have become temperamental

I am not completely out of it that I don't realise I should go to the doctors about it, but I'm nervous about the idea of going to the doctors about what turns out later to be nothing. Because not too long ago I have been to the doctors due to palpitations, the doctor took my blood pressure and several blood tests and did an ECG all of which came back normal. My doctor said "It's possibly just anxiety" and that I should cut down on my caffeine intake. I did as the doctor said and cut down, the symptoms of my heart palpitations seemed to wane. With just the occasional little flutter, but nothing that worried me. Now I'm getting these head symptoms and last night my heart was beating irregularly for about a minute, not just a few seconds.

I know I have anxiety issues about some of the most simple things in life, for example I'm often anxious about something as simple as catching a bus or calling for a taxi. There are some personal reasons for my anxiety but some of them stem from the fact I come from a repressive environment where my every move and word is scrutinised and mocked, often being referred to as the "dumb one" of the family, and have been limited to staying indoors due to ill health.

More serious issues aside:

I'm 20, Male and love star trek, astronomy and reading.