View Full Version : Can I drink alcohol with anxiety?

02-02-2011, 10:23 PM
As you can see, I have anxiety. If I didn't have anxiety I wouldn't be concerned enough to ask this question haha.
So, is it okay to drink alcohol with anxiety? I don't mean drinking to ease my anxiety or anything. I'm just wondering if it's okay? I'm not aiming to get hammered or anything. You know. Thoughts? Thanks guys.

- By the way, I love this forum. It's gotten me through a lot.

02-03-2011, 07:17 AM
Alcohol won't help your anxiety. It affects some people more than others. But if your anxiety is REALLY bad don't drink. It's the next day that what makes it bad - your dehydrated, and glucose levels are down. Nutrients are just demolished when you get hammered.
I drink all the time, and thoroughly enjoy it. I smash 2 glasses of water before I go to bed, have something wholesome and sugary in the morning, and sometimes i have anxiety and sometimes i don't.
good luck

02-03-2011, 09:50 AM
Well when I first developed anxiety I was scared of drinking too. At first when my anxiety was really bad whenever I drunk the next day I felt even worse, however as my anxiety calmed down there wasn't really a problem for me.

It's different for everyone really, drink moderately and see how it effects you, most people are quite fine. Alcohol tends to relax some people, but try to avoid binge drinking rather or not you have anxiety.