View Full Version : Panic/crying attacks and desperation

02-02-2011, 12:55 PM
Hi , I recently posted here asking about medication for severe anxiety - turns out thats not an option (serious serotonin syndrome reaction - body allergic to SSRI's / SNRI's no chance).... but thank you to all who responded with advice.
Anyway, I'm now left with nothing, no relief (other than the old benzos which will do more harm than good long term), and I'm in a state of constant panic, constant symptoms all day, and can't stop crying. Ifeel the panic building and its almost like a panic attack but with uncontrollable crying emotion and drama - is this a common thing?? I feel like a bloody failure because I should be able to at least keep it together for my family but I'm just a wreck hiding under the duvet covers shaking .... how the hell does a (previously) strong person come to this?
Anyway, I guess what I'm asking is advice from anyone who's managed to come out of a state like this without meds. I'm using the occasional diazepam (would happily pop them all day if I could, but terrified of addiction and withdrawel) and a bit of seroquel when needed, but this isn't a long term solution and neither of these drugs is going to solve any problems.
I would really appreciate any advice - just someone who's managed to at least get back to some level of normality, not looking for stories of miracle cures, but how do you break the cycle of crazy panic / thoughts / can't function at all. The thought of diverting and trying to "do something", anything even shopping or something enjoyable like a hobby fills me with dread and the panic builds again. Sorry to go on - just desperate, willing to put in effort but I seem to crumble the minute I try to pull myself together... reaching out for any and all advice...

02-02-2011, 11:36 PM
I overcame anxiety without meds or alchohol. Do you have someone you can talk to? I found talking about it, getting someone to understand, a major step in getting through it and unloading some of the burden. You said that when you feel like this, you hide under the doona covers. Evidently that's not working for you. To break the cycle, you need to do something different. If shopping or attending to a hobby fills you with panic, take it slowly. What could you do different which is not too far from your comfort zone? Could you watch an episode on tv instead of hiding? Slowly build it up and change the way you react. Positive affirmations helped me as well... they may not work at first, but say them to yourself enough and your subconscious *will* take over... it's just about finding the right mindset or 'saying' that works for you personally. I hope that helps a little! :(

02-07-2011, 01:52 PM
Thank you so much for the advice and support - it really does help to know there's people out there who have experienced and overcome the same sort of thing.
Positive update - have arisen from the duvet covers (a little sheepishly) - been working on postive affirmations (actually a Changing Limiting Beliefs course - partially done from under the duvet but gradually moved!!!!) and without the diazepam! Feeling proud of myself, have a long way to go but wanted to update and thank you.

02-07-2011, 02:33 PM
Hi, I read that you say you cant take the antidepressants because you had reaction to them, this worried me because ive been given these sertaline tablets and I am already having anxiety re the side effects, im so anxious when it come to taking meds especially when the side effects are anxiety attacks!! why this is only god knows! but im really stressed out with feeling so down and anxious all the time i need to try something... can you tell me what side effects you got/reactions.. Thanks