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02-01-2011, 02:27 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm new here. I've been suffering from anxiety for a few years now. It all began when my best friend's 14 year old cousin was diagnosed with a brain tumor. We would continually go visit him in the hospital all the time and see him in the worst conditions. I started having panic attacks, worrying that something like this could happen to me. I started feeling symptoms, like headaches, etc. I went to the doctor and of course nothing was wrong with me. For a year or so I kept going to the doctor only to be reassured that nothing was wrong with me. I then came to my senses and enjoyed 2 years anxiety free. Now suddenly it's creeping back. I worry about graduation from college and not getting a job, I worry about getting cervical cancer because i have a form of HPV which either goes away after a few months, or develops into precancerous cells in a very very small amount of people (usually old women, and I'm only 21, so I shouldn't worry- but do). I worry about EVERYTHING. I just want to stop feeling stress all the time!

Anyway, nice to meet ya!

02-02-2011, 12:15 PM
Wow! You sound like me!! All my anxiety started when I was feeling that "what if" feeling!!! I hate it!! I have never in my life dealt with this until a few months ago. I am a 30 year old female! Have you taken any meds for this??? Reason I'm asking is my doc pushed anti depressants on me and the last month has been the worst EVER!!! Hope you can figure out how to not stress and when you do let me know!!!