View Full Version : fed up

01-30-2011, 07:40 AM
I have been suffering from anxierty since the age of around 10...I did get help and for yrs have had no major problems..Then in 2009 it started to come back big time..it started after I had to have some tests done for stomach problems...I had numb toes and fingers..pins and needles..the feeling where you can not walk stright..feeling of my hart beating in my chest more so when im moving around,going hot and cold...feeling like I cant swallow and breath...it seems to come in waves gos for a few months and thn comes back..had to phone em services a few times last year as really thought the worst..and had ekg all seemed ok....
I have been dx with celiac disease recently and my lil boy is under going assessments for ASD so that is not helping..
I have had a painfull and stiff neck and a headache for a few days feel week and get a raceing heart and then that makes me panic more and it just makes me feel alwful....
nI have been to the docs and they have giving me meds for it but they made me feel worse so im worried about trying anything else...
no one really understands and my hubby just says "your always ill" I really dont want to feel like this I want to be able to take my kids out with out having a panic attack..:(