View Full Version : Any advice would be appreciated

01-29-2011, 09:44 PM
I've had anxiety for a couple of years now. It way past it's peak, and my anxiety is generally speaking not so bad anymore.
The reason I am writing this is because I need to know whether someone knows anything about my issue.

It seems that the more I sleep - the more depressed and anxious I am as I wake up and this continues for most of the day. I kind of get out of it in the afternoon.
I always wake up with some level of anxiety/depression - though if I sleep 10 hours it's really intense and unpleasant. 8 Hours of sleep, its still unpleasant but bearable. And 6-7 Hours sleep I find thats when the anxiety/depression is at it's lowest. Any less than that and I'm tired for the whole day.

I don't have anxiety/depression going to sleep, it's only when I wake up.
While I always was a firm believer that my anxiety issues were not physically related, I am beginning to wonder whether that is the case.

And also sometimes when I take a nap I can wake up feeling funny.

Does anyone have any experience or information regarding this sort of thing?


01-30-2011, 06:05 AM
Hi Jimmy2shoes,
Yes. This did happen to me too. After waking up from a nap or a night of sleep was the worst for me. I tried to give myself some time to adjust to waking up. for instance, I would give myself an extra 1/2 hour to just adjust to waking up. Have you gone to get any help for this?