View Full Version : Off To A Psychologist!

01-28-2011, 11:42 AM
Hi Everyone,

Im new here. Ive had a lot of things happening with my health the last 12 months, with no diagnosis. Today I made an appointment with a Psychologist to find out if it may all be in my head. I am open to the fact, and curious at everyones experience.
What are the health/body ailments you have encountered since having anxiety?
My body has lead me to thinking I have MS though docs cant get a positive result anywhere.
My main question would be, can anxiety cause the Uhthoff's phenomenon? Where your body parts are affected by heat.

Any opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Heaps!


Itz Omi
01-28-2011, 06:49 PM
What do you mean that your body parts are affected by heat? Do you mean you feel a heated sensation on one part of your body? That is a STRESS RESPONSE. Same with the cold feeling, where you almost feel like you've spilled cold water on yourself.

Gee, symptoms I've had since I've had anxiety? Where do I start??

First, I should say that my symptoms can go away if I find something else to worry about and get new symptoms, but these are all that I can think of that I have had, whether I still have them or not:

Dizziness / lightheadedness
"Warm" flashes
Feeling like I'm going to faint
Tingling in face, chin, cheeks, tongue
Tingling in hands and feet
Palpitations / thumps / skipped beats that take my breath away
Warm sensations in spots on body
Cold sensations " " " "
Joint pain (this started the very moment I read an article about psoriasis and arthritis, and stopped as soon as a chiropractor convinced me I did NOT have arthritis - never had this problem again, but it had lasted for a couple months - even got tested for Lupus, which was negative)
Abdominal pains
Constipation / flat stools (TMI)
Brain fog*
Difficulty speaking at times (forgetting words in mid-sentence)*
Nerve pain in left side of face*
Headaches & neck tension*

*= current issues

Started having anxiety after I lost my parents, and current left side of face nerve pain started when my last uncle (whom I was close to) fell ill and died in a months' time.

I'm sure there are more symptoms but that's all I can think of at the moment...

01-30-2011, 06:13 AM
Same for me lots of the same symptoms that Itz says above. I had full blown anxiety, nervous breakdown whatever it was...5 years ago. It took me 4 years to find out what the heck was wrong and to regain my life back. You are going in the right direction by getting help with the psychologist. I know this sounds silly but get some guided meditation CDs. At first I thought it was a waste of time but eventually you can train yourself to block out unwanted thoughts and racing mind stuff. You are going to be ok. I though tthat I would never be ok, but I am now. There is hopw and you can do this. It will make you a stronger person. :)