View Full Version : My Anxiety breakthrough

01-26-2011, 07:45 AM
Hi Friends this is an account of my victory over anxiety & panic condition

How it began

I am 33 years old, It all began 10 months back due to my excessive worry about work & money due to a failed Business Project, thoughts of what if I don’t get any work or money in the future, very dreadful thoughts & visions, repetitive negative thinking.

My Symptoms, Sensations & Thoughts

Initially started with Insomnia for weeks and then it lead to the worst of symptoms like Chest Pain, Rapid heart beat, slow heart beat, Heart Pounding & Bumping, Excessive pressure & Aches in the Head & Ears, tight band around the Chest & Head, Hot, cold flushes & Needle pricking pain all over my body from head to toe, clammy sweaty hands, Constant thoughts of me getting a heart attack, fainting, catching a dreaded disease like cancer, Agoraphobia and worst, I believe there is no sensation & symptoms in the anxiety book that I may have not experienced.

My Hospital journeys

I had rushed my self innumerable times to the hospital for all kind of Heart, Bp, Sugar, Liver diagnosis, but every time it was a false alarm and nothing but symptoms due to anxiety and added anxiety due to negative thoughts and even more anxiety due to bodily sensations, Simply a vicious negative circle, But all my health test reports came out par excellence & the nurses used to laugh & send me back home.

Breakthrough method

My breakthrough came after few weeks of researching this site and also few others and understanding that all the bodily sensations & symptoms I was experiencing were absolutely harmless and were simply created by nothing else but my own negative thoughts & visions( My Health test reports were the proof of it and they made me much more confident) and the only way to break the anxiety cycle was to understand it, welcome it, experience it & demand more sensations whenever I used to get a panic attack, I was very scared initially though but I tried it and yes!!! it worked like magic, the moment I started getting even the slightest of bodily sensations I started to demand more of it like delicious food, laugh at it and within seconds the sensations used to vanish, This method works best for me to get rid of panic attacks and anxiety symptoms, if you know better ways please share and enlighten!!!!

Breakthrough Process

With the above breakthrough method, I also practiced a healthy living like Eating on time, eating nutritious & balanced foods, sleeping on time (even if you sleep for 5-6 hours a day its very, very healthy) Exercise like Jogging, Skipping, Yoga(Initially even a bit of paced walking used to scare me as I could hear my heart beating very strongly due to heightened sensations, but again this is a fear trick of anxiety and no sooner I started with brisk walking & then paced jogging I became more & more confident and I even started to sprint and feel more powerful & energetic) Breath meditation(pranayams) also helped me a lot to relax my nerves , Cbt also works great if you do exactly what u been told to do, Most importantly keeping your thoughts positive and keeping yourself positively busy with work or social service, even chanting in free time is a great way to clear the negative clutter from the mind.


Yes I have experienced setbacks, but these were again only due to my own negative thoughts & visions, But the biggest setback came when I got a bout of Cold, Cough & flu, these are common diseases which I used to contract once in a year but getting them during my anxiety recovery period was horrible, as normally high anxiety and its symptoms make you constantly feel negative, feverish, tired, drained in the mind & body, but the Cold, Cough & flu made my sensations even worst, But no sooner I started to recover from the disease slowly but steadily my confidence came back and I realized that I should not get too edgy & conscious about the sensations and simply let it pass as normally everybody goes through the same symptoms when they fall sick with the above diseases.

Final Thoughts

You cannot fight or delete anxiety, it’s an inbuilt bodily sensation created by god, Though for people like us its extremely heightened, but you have to accept it, embrace it like a friend and live with it & soon it vanishes like a Zit, We trigger it and hence only we can Stop it, nothing and nobody else can, It’s a friend we created in our heads and only we can adieu it goodbye at will….

My Positive Mantra,

The lord is my shepherd and his positive light guides me every moment, hence I fear nothing, even fear is created by the lord to test our faith in him, accept fear & you accept the lord.

Itz Omi
01-26-2011, 09:40 AM
Thank you for taking the time to post what works for you. I keep hearing how helpful Yoga is, and I keep telling myself I need to do it,but I keep putting it off!!!

Good luck in your continued recovery!

01-28-2011, 08:35 AM
Yes Forwells my friend ..Just bcoz of the above "welcoming fear method" i became much more confident & from a person who was scared even to lock my toilet door due to fear of collapsing with a heart attack & people cant get me out thoughts..i started to travel far from home all alone and also drive all alone day or night..this method has helped me immensely!!!

01-28-2011, 08:37 AM
Thank you for taking the time to post what works for you. I keep hearing how helpful Yoga is, and I keep telling myself I need to do it,but I keep putting it off!!!

Good luck in your continued recovery!

Yoga i very good, also try TAI-CHI, It really helped me a lot.

02-01-2011, 12:07 AM
how long did you suffer with your anxiety before?

02-01-2011, 01:09 AM
how long did you suffer with your anxiety before?

I think i have had anxiety in normality since childhood, but yes i was always a worrier & a bit extra thoughtful, emotional & pleasing others kind of a guy, Also life situations while growing up always got me to think extra hard and at lightning speed, i think all these situations had built up in me & ultimately gave me those panic attacks & high anxiety, its all in our minds and totally unreal!!!! We made it, We can break it!!!!