View Full Version : The long road home

01-25-2011, 01:25 PM
Hi folks,

I've posted on here a few times as TheEditor – but with the new forum I can't access my login. So I'm back as CoffeeisGood.

As you may remember (or not), I was diagnosed with GAD at 18 after a serious meltdown which led to agoraphobia, social anxiety and about 3 months of insanity. After seeing two therapists and a psychiatrist (at my excellent GP's demand), I was given 40mg of celexa per day.

A few years ago, I was able to get down to 20 mg per day and tried getting off entirely, which didn't quite work out –*I'm in a high pressure (editor of a newspaper) job and my wife has a biliary disease which gives her a great deal of pain, nausea and fatigue regularly, and couldn't quite make it.

This last year, things have been hard.

In early August, a neighbour was targetting me and harassing me –*he was a 17-year-old punk kid who blasted music that rattled my stove, banged on walls and ceiling whenever he saw me and was a general ass. This drove me batty and I ended up staying with my parents for his last two weeks in the building (he was kicked out for said behaviour). This was also right before my September wedding, which was likely a big cause of stress as well.

The week after the wedding, my wife had her second surgery in a year to try and fix her disease –*it didn't work. In fact, some of the pain got worse. This caused my anxiety to flare up again, and in early October, I, along with my GPs advice, increased my dosage of celexa to 40mg again. After that, I was fine –*no issues at all.

But on the Jan 14th (Friday) my young dog (3.5 yrs) was diagnosed with a mast cell tumor –*effecitvely cancer. I just totally lost it. Within a week, he had a surgery and we had results indicating that the excision of the tumor was likely curative.

In the past, once the trauma, frightening situation, or change, has passed, I'm able to resume function without any lingering anxiety. This week hasn't happend yet. I'm still getting small attacks off and on and emotional ups and downs.

For example, I went home last night and my wife was working late. I thought I saw a lump on the dog's back (it was just some fur sitting funny) and I went into a tail spin. I was able to calm myself down, signed up for e-Counselling with my EAP and just nulled my brain playing videogames for a couple of hours. Once my wife was home we had a nice dinner and I got to bed early, hoping a good sleep would help.

At 3:30 this morning, she woke me up in a panic needing her pain meds because she got a major pain and nausea attack. I was able to function well enough to get her calmed and drugged and back to bed. We both called in sick to work for the morning and planned to go in at noon.

When I woke up around 10:30, I woke up full of anxiety, like I have the last several days. Her illness is a part of life for us; with the exception of a few of the incidents I've listed above, I've dealt rather well with it, been able to take care of her and continue to function, albeit with a bit more stress and a little more tired than usual.

Right now I'm at work, having a bit of trouble focusing. I feel tired. I feel like I'm on the verge of either total recovery or total meltdown. It's as if a good night's rest and a good meal will make me feel better, like when you're getting over the flu. But I wake up with the exhaustion of an anxiety-filled day and the difficulty getting interested, involved and focussed.

I have two things to ask:

1. What's your best advice for shaking off this lingering anxiety and preventing it from attacking again like it has with big events (dog has a vet appt on Fridy and I'm already scared as hell);

2. What can I tell my wife to help her handle all of this? It's not fair that she's dealing with her own illness and then has to worry about me and my anxiety.

Thanks for all your time and I'm glad to be back on the forum.

Itz Omi
01-25-2011, 01:57 PM
Hi there!!

I am so sorry about everything you are going through!! That is a lot to handle for anyone, and being predisposed to anxiety makes it so much worse!!!

I wish I had some advice but just wanted to say I hope things start looking up for you and you can be back to your old self again!!

01-26-2011, 08:08 AM
Update: Went home after work, hung out with my dogs, had an okay meal, watched TV/played a video game. Was feeling a little sensitive but okay. Went and picked up my wife from work at 9 –*she was feeling better. I felt better – almost good. Had a shower. Out fo the shower, wife was having an attack. I got her to bed and wasn't feeling bad. I got to bed.

I woke up with feelings of dread and anxiety loops.

I'm at work now, a couple of hours later, and starting to feel better again.

Does anyone else have this issue of waking up with anxiety? How do you prevent it/get out of it faster?

Itz Omi
01-26-2011, 09:26 AM
For some reason, anxiety IS often worse in the morning!! I want to say it's a blood sugar thing, but I can't recall for sure - but it makes sense! I had morning anxiety today myself.

01-27-2011, 07:01 AM
Hi My Friend,

Thanx 4 sharing your condition, Your situation does sound a bit stressing, but i have heard of worst stories where a person is living all alone in an alien country, getting the craziest of sensations and he cant tell it to anybody around but just talks to his girlfriend on long distance calls that to for few minutes, coz he cant afford it...

Your are very lucky my friend to have a wife & a pet, with whom you can talk to & express freely in times of distress, You are doing very well, but if you have a stressful situation you are bound to feel anxious & tensed just like everybody else, but due to high anxiety i understand that your thoughts & sensations will be heightened, my advice will please try to make Relaxation exercises like Tai-Chi/Yoga a regular everyday practice, it helps me immensely during my stressful periods, also everyday try to watch positive visualizations videos at-least twice a day at morning & before going to bed, it helps me immensely, Also try to have a simple diet everyday...Hope these things will help you my friend...

Believe in yourself & your body...you are very strong mentally & psychically...thats why you have come so far & will surely go much ahead in life...
Take all you stressful situations in life as challenges..nothing more but healthy challenges put in front of you...like when you play a video game...V can play & win it as everybody else does, But our special advantage is that all your senses are on high alert & constantly helping us( its like having a sixth sense towards things around us, Buddhist Monks practice for years to get this kind of High alertness...hahaha)so you simply cannot fail my friend.......Keep the Faith!!!!