View Full Version : New to anxiety, need help coping.

01-25-2011, 12:20 PM
So lets start from the beginning and I'm sorry for the incoming wall of text. So on Monday Jan. 10th I started feeling a slight discomfort down below(yeah in that area). Not knowing where it came from or what started it I decided to wait it out a couple of days and see if it got any better. By that Wednesday I talked to a family friend about it and he said to give it a couple more days. The only problem was that each night I was becoming more and more worried about coupled with my fear of hospitals. Thursday night going into Friday I could not sleep. I was almost shaking uncontrollably and woke up sweating. Finally Friday morning I called my girlfriend to take me to the doctor. We went to emergency and I had an ultrasound done and a urinalysis. The only thing the doctor seen that one of them was slightly swollen and I should just wear some more supportive underwear. I followed doctors orders and left feeling a bit better. The only thing that concerned me was they said they took a urine culture to see if there was anything else going on. Saturday night I couldn't sleep. I started crying for no reason and just being flat out scared of what the urine culture could find. I called the advice nurse and told her of the feelings I was feeling in my stomach and heart and my crying spells. She gave me the urine culture results saying they came back negative which was good but it just didn't seem to be enough.

Fast forward to last Thursday. I went to the doctor with my concerns of how my body was feeling and my crying spells. She said it was definitley anxiety and prescribed me Sertatraline. Basically I'll put it this way. I'll feel things in my heart someday almost like a pain but nothing to really be concerned about but I do anyways. I start focusing on it more and more and start breathing deeper to see if I can induce a pain. I guess you could say I have the symptom of feeling like I'm gonna have a heart attack. It just bothers me because sometimes I feel like I'm fine mentally and the heart thing will throw me completely off. I'll think why am I feeling this when I'm relaxed and thats when my head starts to race. I'm sorry for the wall of text I'm just so concerned and new to anxiety that I don't know what to do. Even the things I like to do don't seem to keep my mind off of things all the way. I've been staying with a friend and I've felt like I've worn out the welcome at her house, my girlfriends parents are strict about things like that, and a family friend that I feel most comfortable with is 45 min away which leaves me away from my girlfriend and I don't wanna be away from her cause I feel like somethings gonna happen to me. Again sorry for the wall of text but this is all very new and scary to me :(

Itz Omi
01-25-2011, 07:53 PM
I'm so sorry to hear of your difficulty - we ALL know where you are coming from!! You're at the right place!!

Listen to your doctor. When my doctor told me I had anxiety, I ended up leaving her for another doctor (maybe not the only reason I left, but I felt that was an insufficient answer) because there was no way this was anxiety - because I didn't FEEL anxious!! I had tingling in my face, chin, tongue, and maybe at that time also in my hands and feet. (This was a few years ago.) As time went on, and I developed other issues and started to FEEL anxious, I'll be darned, she was right after all!!

It is most likely something that has caught up with you. Could be a past trauma that your body is now forcing you to deal with, could be just cumulative stress, or a number of things, but most certainly it does not have to be something you are dealing with right now.

01-26-2011, 12:51 PM
Thanks for the welcome. I've been tackling it day by day. The only thing that puts me down each day is feeling something in my left chest area. I guess you could call it a flutter but I call it more of the hunger feeling you get in your stomach but focused in my heart area. That and my left side will randomly twitch sometimes. My girlfriend told this is because for the past week all I did was focus on my heart. I'd check my pulse and have her listen to it. She'd tell me it sounds just as strong as it did years back which does help but I guess she doesn't understand of having that fear of something being wrong with your heart. It's even doing it now as I type this. I've basically stopped all googling which was a huge factor in my anxiety and how I'd think and feel.

01-26-2011, 03:44 PM
Thanks Kev. I've been trying not to focus on it by doing things like watching movies, playing games, or hanging out with friends. Yeah fear definitley doesn't help anxiety whatsoever but sometimes that is the hardest to overcome. I recently quit smoking marijuana(it's been about a 2 weeks minus one relapse this past Sunday since I last smoked). The time I relapsed did nothing but bad for me during the high and after that night. I haven't had a soda in about 3 weeks to kinda get my body back into shape. 245lbs. 5'11. The only prescription medication I'm on is Sertraline which is an generic brand of Zoloft.