View Full Version : does anybody get a anxiety vision in stores?

01-24-2011, 11:41 AM
Hi I was just wondering if anybody gets this weird vision in stores like a dizzy , almost but not really fainting feeling in stores if anyone knows or gets this let me know thanks.

01-24-2011, 12:26 PM
Thanks and I hope your right!:)

01-24-2011, 03:18 PM
yea i hate it when i get that, thats where it comes into play when i drive, i think thats what i get with the driving thing also, and why i cant drive real far.

01-24-2011, 09:12 PM
im the same way. everything is making me light headed when i think about it. being on the computer playing games or trying to focus on something. it just recently started but it doesnt happen when i dont think about it. for example i was walking into walmart and was going down a isle looking at things and i found myself skimming to fast i guess you would say and as i was walking i felt like i walked to the edge of a cliff and i almost feel off or something i had to double step. it was weird, i try to ignore it though. or i use breathing techniques. i found that if i escape the situation over and over i end up avoiding it in the long run. for instants i started off driving fine. then i had a panic attack one night when i was really stressed out in the car with my kids, i freaked out and wouldnt drive at night, well after that i would only drive certain distances, well then my fiance hurt his back at work and he did all the driving, now i wont drive at all. it just seems so odd to me. Im working on that now. hopefully i will get over it even if it takes me all year lol. good luck

01-25-2011, 08:12 AM
Hi I was just wondering if anybody gets this weird vision in stores like a dizzy , almost but not really fainting feeling in stores if anyone knows or gets this let me know thanks.

Hi transam,

Yes I used to get the same thing in supermarkets and other public places before I got over my own anxiety.

I found Peripheral Vision exercises helped me immensely as they switched me out of the tunnel vision that occurred when I felt anxious. It also helped quieten done my chattery mind which had the effect of reducing the anxiety further. It took a bit of practice to learn it effectively, but was worth it.

01-25-2011, 01:28 PM
Sounds like two things happening:

The first is tunnel vision, which is part of the intense focussing occuring as a result of your adrenaline.
The second is your body screaming at you to get out of a potentially dangeorus situation – also part of the adrenaline. Your blood flows into your heart and extremities to prepare for a fight/flight response.

I've found the best way to deal with this is to take some deep breaths, remind yourself that there is no danger and drink some fresh, cold water.

Do not be afraid of it –*it will pass.

Itz Omi
01-25-2011, 01:50 PM
I have had this happen to me in the past. I remember one time wanting to go to Whole Foods, getting out of the car, then having to get right back in because I was afraid I might get dizzy and fall down in there!