View Full Version : New member with agoraphobia and more:

08-21-2006, 02:56 PM
Hello, bjwhite here and new to this forum. I've been reviewing some of the posts and it's a very nice forum and well regulated. I find the access a bit confusing but will figure it out as I go. I'm the worst about following instructions so it's my own fault if I get lost. I'd appreaciate reply's with some short cuts if some old timers have any they're willing to share :)

I did a bit of look up on the CBT since I wasn't certain what it was. I've had agoraphobia or some sort of emotioal difficulity all my life. I was born in 1938 so it's been a while. Most I've learned to live with and take perscription medication as needed. I'm convinced it's genetic and along with a combination of stressful events beyond my control, I'm thankful I am as emotionally stable as I am. I'm also a Christian and I'm thankful to my Lord for the strength He gives me everyday.

One of the steps toward overcoming fear in the CBT program made me laugh. The Fear of Getting Lost. Face the fear and ask yourself some questions like what would I do? Stop and ask directions, I'd be emberrased, so what's so bad about that , ect. I'm sure most are familiar with the steps. It's the first time I've seen them. What made me laugh is all the fear was based on what if's. My fear is real because I actually do get lost. Everytime I go somewhere alone. Wheather to the Vet with my dog, the eye doctor, to a nearby town on an errand or to shop. I ALWAYS get lost. I am usually far off the beaten path by the time my fear lets me comprehend the situation. I'm never very far from home so it's unreasonable fear. I could get out and walk I suppose, I could keep driving since I always find my way home sooner or later. A few times I've been really late. So with the agoraphobia, I panic, get lost, panic because I want to hurry home, panic because I can't if I have to walk or back track or stop and ask directions, yadayadayada. So I'd much rather stay home.

The therapy is for people who are afraid they'll get lost. My fear is that I actually do get lost. What's the therapy for that? Just wondering and laughing at myself. It's no secret and family members usually ask where I wound up "this time" if I've been out and about. They'd just as soon I'd stay home or else they take me. I can usually find someone to do it for me though. Now the eye Dr. presented a problem. I had to go. Turned around 3 times before I found the right road he's on. It's about 5 miles from my house. Now they want me to go back and get adjustments. No, I still can't see but will get courage enough to go someday.
Respectfully Yours,