View Full Version : Reaching out, please help:(

01-19-2011, 09:58 PM
I am a 20 year old college student. I have had anxiety and the random panic attacks in the past that are very scary. Recently I have had very consistent ones but this time its over certain things that make no sense at all. I will tell my short story about what has been hurting my life recently and hopefully I can gain some positive feedback or if anyone can relate please help.

About a month ago when I started up my winter break I had been playing video games extensively and drinking coffee. I went to go to bed around 4am and sat in bed... my eye hurt for a second and then I started to think about the attachments we have behind our eyeballs. It began to panic me and I broke out into a panic attack. Just thinking about how we have those inside us and our body is made up of stuff like that which have such a huge impact on us was overwhelming to think about and even cheeped me out. I made it through the night then was scarred because it was so weird I would have a panic attack over such a thing that it began to trigger more of the same eye panic attacks. I was able to talk myself out of stuff like that but then the other day I started thinking about our brains. Like, whoa... I have a gross squishy thing in my head that possesses all of these crazy abilities.. and it triggered a panic attack... Just thinking about my brain and that the squishy thing inside my is actually there, panics me. Its unreal, it like I never thought about it that closely before.

I took a biology course this term and learned about the human heart and it hit me that that gross organ is inside of me, and i stopped my thought immediately. I wonder if actually learning about biological features freaked me out subconsciously and it popped up after the term was over. I mean... we say we have a brain, but dang when we think about how crazy it is, it is overwhelming.

Anyways, I feel so crazy and I even went to see a therapist for the first time because I was so freaked out about my thoughts and actions lately. I have never taken medications nor do I want to. They basically told me I have panic attacks and panic disorder. I have a second appointment coming up. It makes me feel better to be around my girlfriend or friends because I dont think about it as much or worry.

I just feel so weird that now all of a sudden I am freaking out that I have a brain and what not, and its overwhelming. When im not panicking about it, im panicking that ill panic about it again. And then I just think about how damn weird that is to panic over... I know it sounds all bad.

I may have just been not doing anything and worked myself into my own head over this whole thing. My semester starts back up tomorrow and I just started a great job today. Maybe i can get out of my own head about my body parts? I am not used to having these thoughts really, but I have been known to get inside my own head and psyc myself out of stuff. The other night I went to the club with my girlfriend and her friends. I had a great time, saw some friends I haven't seen in a while and didnt have a worry on my mind. But then after that, a day after , I got the panic again about my weird thoughts.

If anyone has positive feedback, or advice, I would love to hear it.

01-24-2011, 03:14 AM
Hiya, I'm 21 and i think your situation sounds similar to mine.
I've been suffering from anxiety pretty much all my life and my current anxiety has been going on for the past three months since late october. I've currently on the medication fluoxetine which is the same as prozac, I've seen a councillor and recently been to the doctors to be referred to a psychiatrist. I also get weird thoughts and make me feel like i am also going crazy and about to suddenly loose my mind, i know these thoughts are to do with anxiety but yet i cannot get my mind to stop thinking or worrying about them. I also feel pretty hopeless and my girlfriend lives like 4 hours away from me, i visit her every weekend and the anxiety seems better then but soon as i come home i'm back to the beginning again and everything feels awful, part of me right this very second feels like running away to be with my girlfriend just so the anxiety will go away...

01-25-2011, 12:58 PM
Hello. I'm 23 and your situation also sounds similar to mine. I recently went into emergency for a normal strain that happened "down below". After going there and taking a urine culture I began thinking of things that could happen to me. I'd lay in bed and start breathing heavily to find something wrong with me and if I felt some type of movement, discomfort, or tingling sensation my mind would race on what the cause would be. I just started taking Sertatraline which is an off brand Zoloft. I've been trying to cope with my problems as well but being unemployed and your friends being busy makes you feel trapped at your house and feeling vulnerable. Not to mention I live with my grandmother who basically enables my alcoholic mothers drinking. I notice you play videogames. I'm not sure which console you own or if you play online but if you wanted to post your gaming info here maybe we could set up some weekly times to play and talk about how we feel all the while enjoying something we both do.