View Full Version : Anxious only at home?

01-19-2011, 04:30 PM
I'm 19 and a college student. I go to college about 7 hours away from home. I have had anxiety for about 3 years. My last panic attack was.. about 3 years ago when I first realized I had anxiety. I haven't had one since.

I'm anxious about my health. My health is the reason why I had those panic attacks years ago. I'm always afraid that something is wrong with me. I find a lump and I get nervous. However, the last year and a half that I have been at school, I haven't really been bothered by it and haven't thought of it.

At school, I went through a small bout of "depression".. just feeling lonely and sad a lot. But other than that, no anxiety at all. No thoughts about my health or nothing. I've been home for the last 3 weeks for my winter break and for the last week, I've been thinking about this swollen gland on my neck. I went to the doctor and got blood tests and am going to see an ENT about it next week, but I'm just so worried about it. I feel like it is hard to breathe, like the lump is obstructing my airways and I feel dizzy and lightheaded, like I am about to faint. It's only been going on for the last week, since I started thinking about this random lump.

It's just my anxiety right? I am constantly thinking about my health again. I've literally been in bed for the last 6 days, only getting up to eat or use the restroom. The only time I was up was Monday, I had a doctor appointment and an eye doctor appointment. I felt sort of fine then. But being in bed makes me think about it more.. yet I just don't want to get up and do anything until I leave for school Saturday.

So am I going crazy or is it just anxiety and I need to get over it? ):

01-20-2011, 01:17 AM
I was stuck on my couch for a month getting up to use restroom and to eat spent a Christmas on it lol. Things will get better get up and do something anything lol.

01-20-2011, 01:41 PM
here lately my anxiety has flared up so bad its crazy.... i dont do ANYTHING> i miss the things i could do....even with anxiety. for example all i want to do is sit around. i am light headed all the time , i have weird little chest pain and my upper back has a dull ache. sometimes i feel like im going to faint or i have a heart attack waiting to happen even though i dont have high chloesterol, no blood pressure problems and doc said heart sounded good. i dont know what my problem is. i have oral surgery tomorrow and am absolutely horrified and i think that is alot of my problem as well. I have to get 5 teeth removed and i promised myself as soon as all this is over im going to do something about my anxiety rather than read a book the therapist gave me and go to therapy. i might even give in to meds. im not sure yet. blah i think it has alot to do with being bored... well anyways hope all is well..

01-25-2011, 11:21 PM
the worst thing for anxiety sufferers is free time and boredom. When you are in school and you are focused on studying, you don't over think little things. When u are at home, and there is not much to do, all a sudden anxiety creeps up and you start having these worrying thoughts since you have nothing else to focus on. This is very common. But regardless, the anxiety needs to be managed now or it will escalate later on.