View Full Version : Any1 tried Perphenazine?

01-18-2011, 07:37 PM
i have had anxiety issues for many years now. i have tried all the anti-depressants, and some other meds and nothing seems to help. i currently take xanex 4 times a day and still have it. the xanex helps make it not so bad, but its not really good for outings, or major events, etc...i tried klonapin because that is basically same as xanex but lasts longer, but stopped that because it made me feel weird and gave me headaches. i have the type of anxiety that comes anytime, anyplace, for no reason, or a reason. ugh

anywho, so my dr. suggested we try this Perphenazine for my anxiety. It is primarilly used to treat manic bi-polar and schitzoprenia.

i have not started the med yet, just because i am always weird about trying new stuff. has anyone here ever tried it for anxiety or anything else? if so, details, details, details please! :)

02-23-2011, 12:36 AM
My anxiety is very similar to yours. I have it most of the time for no reason. I dont work so I don't have that much stress in my life. I don't understand it. I am in therapy and that helps some but the medication is the only thing that really helps. I am on Geodon which is an atypical anti psychotic but it donesnt work all that well. I'd like to know how the med you have been perscribed works!

02-23-2011, 03:41 AM
I am in therapy and that helps some but the medication is the only thing that really helps. I am on Geodon which is an atypical anti psychotic but it donesnt work all that well.

Are you saying it does help you, or are you saying it doesn't?

Anyway, as I said in my previous post about thorazine, antipsychotics have some pretty serious side effects. And before you even think about trying them, I would seriously consider whether you have exhausted all other options (pharmaceutical or not). If all you have tried are different medications, I would look into nonpharmaceutical treatments like CBT and/or ACT. Because the fact of the matter is that antipsychotics are NOT something to be taken lightly. And honestly, they are NOT something you want to be on unless you are flat out of options.

02-28-2011, 09:32 AM
i have tried therapy, yoga, biofeedback, and other relaxation methods. none of them work. i try to not think about it, etc...but the anxiety is always their. i rarely leave the house, unless i totally have to.

oh, and i still havent tried these pills yet. i dont know what im waiting for. lol

02-28-2011, 04:30 PM
oh, and i still havent tried these pills yet. i dont know what im waiting for. lol

I think you're not taking them because deep down, you know better. Remember, this drug you were given is given to people who think they're Jesus. It's NOT a 'happy pill' that is going to make you feel better and love everyone in the world. Stay away from antipsychotics. Even if you feel like you MUST take pills, DON'T take these. Although no medication is TRULY benevolent, there are far more benevolent medications out there for anxiety than antipsychotics (including ones you probably haven't tried yet).

02-28-2011, 06:22 PM
what did you change in your diet. i absolutely avoid caffeine.

03-01-2011, 01:15 PM
on a different subject...what is going on with the chat room on here? ive tried a few times to get on it and never works anymore.

03-02-2011, 04:22 AM
It does help but some bad side effects

02-08-2017, 04:53 PM
i have had anxiety issues for many years now. i have tried all the anti-depressants, and some other meds and nothing seems to help. i currently take xanex 4 times a day and still have it. the xanex helps make it not so bad, but its not really good for outings, or major events, etc...i tried klonapin because that is basically same as xanex but lasts longer, but stopped that because it made me feel weird and gave me headaches. i have the type of anxiety that comes anytime, anyplace, for no reason, or a reason. ugh

anywho, so my dr. suggested we try this Perphenazine for my anxiety. It is primarilly used to treat manic bi-polar and schitzoprenia.

i have not started the med yet, just because i am always weird about trying new stuff. has anyone here ever tried it for anxiety or anything else? if so, details, details, details please! :)

I am suppose to try this perphenazine tonight I was wondering how it worked out for u.. im Alittle nervous taking it.. but like you i have tried everything.. my klonopin isn't doing it's job n they don't wanna up that benzo.. would really like your input

02-08-2017, 05:21 PM
I googled it and it's an anti-psychotic, eek. I haven't been on that specifically but have been on a few anti-psychotics (old and new) and my experience has been pretty horrible. They knock me out at first (which can be helpful with severe anxiety) but after a while I've had quite nasty side effects. So yeah I would be cautious with it.. I don't like how doctors prescribe anti-psychotics to people with anxiety but a lot do.

I guess you've developed a tolerance to the Klonopin, which is very easy with benzos. Have you been on any SSRIs (Prozac, Zoloft etc)? They give you nasty side effects at first but I've found them much more helpful in the long-term (kind of the opposite to anti-psychotics).

02-09-2017, 05:31 PM
I tried it lastnight did nothing.. wish it gave me so sort of sedating. Bc this anxiety is so severe.. I was thinking i built a tolerence to the klonopin too.. but I refuse to go up on it. I would rather try non addictive ones to help.. im on lexapro 20mgs n remron 15mgs.. gabapentin 200 3x a day.. I do feel like the klonopin has some effect on the anxiety but not like it use too.. I plan on coming off klonopin slowly at some point.. im actually going into the hospital tomm. My psych doctor doesn't have a clue what to try next. Ive tried alot of different things . Im exhausted with the suffering. It's horrible..

02-09-2017, 05:52 PM
Oh that's awful.. I do know how horrible severe anxiety is. I used to be a blackout drinker just to try and cope (which makes things even worse of course). I managed to get off EVERYTHING for 3 years but then 2013-2016 I had some hardcore things happen and the anxiety skyrocketted again.

Now I'm on a few things (but no booze). My "secret weapon" is oxycodone, which is an opiate painkiller and pretty much NO doctor will give you that for anxiety/depression (or even pain for that matter) because opiates have got such a bad name. I don't really recommend it though because this stuff is very individual and depends a lot on your unique brain chemistry.

I hope the hospital can help. Have you been before for anxiety?

Sending you good vibes!
Gypsy x