View Full Version : Finally seeking help

01-14-2011, 11:17 AM
I'm 22 years old, and I was recently diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. For as long as I can remember, I've been constantly worrying about anything and everything. I can remember being 8 or 9 years old and making myself physically ill worrying about my grades and my health. As I got older, those worries remained, and I developed new "problems" with work, money, and relationships. In the past few years, I would say at least half of my anxiety stems from romantic relationships. My last relationship was very unhealthy...he was extremely controlling, put me down a lot, and was dishonest. I've now been in a new relationship for about 8 months. He is an awesome guy. We get along great, have the same interests, and he treats me well. I KNOW he's a good guy, and I know he loves me...but that still doesn't help. I am constantly worried about him meeting someone else, or getting sick of me. I also constantly worry about his well being. I've been pretty good at hiding my anxiety from him and not voicing my irrational concerns...but every so often my anxiety turns into anger and I will snap at him for something really small. I really don't want to lose him. He's the most happy, carefree guy and I don't want my anxiety to bring him down with me.

A few years ago I went to an evaluation. Then I spoke with a psychiatrist a few weeks later who diagnosed me with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. He prescribed me Zoloft...before I even fill the prescription I found out my sister and my mom both gained about 30-40 lbs after a few years on Zoloft...I became very nervous about taking it, and decided not to.

I've spent years just dealing with this..nearly driving myself crazy. I've quit jobs because of anxiety. I've ruined relationships. I've tried to cope by shopping, thus putting myself in debt.

I don't want to feel like my anxiety controls me anymore.

On Monday I finally decided to seek help again. I had an evaluation where GAD was once again mentioned. I am awaiting an appointment with a psychiatrist to discuss the possibility of being put on a medication. It'll probably be a few weeks before I can get in for an appointment, and I'm looking for some ways to cope... I'm trying to do my best to reduce stress by meditation and exercise. Any other ideas?

How was the start of the recovery process for you? And does anyone else share the same type of anxiety in relationships?

01-14-2011, 12:29 PM
Try seeing a psychologist instead of a psychiatrists. Psychologists deal with how the mind works and will help in fixing your thought process.

01-25-2011, 11:58 PM
Hiding your anxiety will only make things worse. The paradox here is in order to feel more secure, you need to be more frank about your condition. Once we let go, problems usually resolve themselves. It's funny how life works.