View Full Version : ..can't take it anymore.

01-13-2011, 07:03 PM
have been suffering from anxiety for about five months now, it all started when I came out to my parents as "Bi-sexual/lesbian". This caused so much stress, and it was shortly after that, this started.
I get chest pains,stressed out all the time, I only feel okay when i'm at home.
I don't even feel like i'm here sometimes, at school is like hell, it feels like I'm living a dream.
I tell myself every morning "it will be a good day", but i just start thinking about my anxiety as soon as i step out the door, waiting for the next panic attack to happen, worrying about any ache or pain, thinking i have cancer or a heart attack.
I can't even think straight anymore, i just want to feel like myself again.
I excersize, eat extremely healthy,and nothing helps.
I need medication, is there anyway my doctor would prescribe me anti anxiety medication for a 16 year old?
I've stopped doing things i like, i've stopped going out as often,
I'm fricken 16, i should be out enjoying myself on the weekends, not sitting inside my house like a prisoner.
I can't go shopping, i start thinking in a cycle of horrible thoughts, and i've even stopped driving.
I want my old self back, i feel as if I have no hope left..
This anxiety has been taking such a toll on me,
my days either go like this:
I fight the anxiety and become physically and emotionally drained,and ends up getting worse at night,
Letting it happen and experiencing a sense of "depersonalization" all day until I get home.
I don't know what to do anymore..
I CONSTANTLY think I am dying of some horrible illness, although I didn't start thinking these thoughts until my anxiety got out of my control.

01-13-2011, 09:43 PM
I wouldn't say most of the stress is gone, they're in denial and say I am too young to know my sexuality, and also won't let me go to my girlfriends house, or they threaten to call the cops..
They are very ridiculous about the whole thing.