View Full Version : Anxiety at work

01-12-2011, 04:07 PM
As the title says, this is where my anxiety is at its worst! Outside of work is very manageable and doesn't have a major impact on my quality of life however its a different story at work. I sit in an office environment with lots of other people and my anxiety levels build as the day goes on. Its usually at its worst by early afternoon and sometimes I can't sit still for more than a few minutes before I have to wander off to the drinks machine or toilet to get a bit of relief. I'm not sure if its being sat at a computer all day but I get this weird thing where I have trouble looking up at anything on my screen above eye level. I also sometimes catch sight of the end of my nose and get a spike of adrenalin almost like seeing it has given me a reality overload. Its hard to describe but its a bit like being super conscious of being concious if that makes sense. Also in meetings I get to the point where I think at any moment I'm going to go mad or run out of the room. I'm not sure if its a control thing or not but when I feel I can’t escape or walk out when I want I panic. When I have the option I don't really get anxious at all.