View Full Version : all in my head

01-11-2011, 06:31 PM
SO i went for the dreaded physical today and mentioned to my doc about my constant week of lightheadedness and he said that the more i think about it the more it will be there and the reason for it is my serotonin levels are low which is something thats in my head........so he prescribed me lexapro which is supposed to help it. not sure if i want to take it. just started a program that my therapist order me its called the anxiety and panic workbook. dont know how its gonna really helped. i skipped through it and most of what it said i know already... well see how it goes though. anyways he took blood and it will be back tomorrow so i hope theres nothing up there thats bad...i dont have high bp and i dont have MVP so its all in my head. debating on those meds. i think im going to give therapy longer as well as the 6 weeks of my book and see what happens if no progress i think i will try the meds just because im tired of getting frustrated with my kids. the stress i have you cant take away. so im kinda stuck in a rut. ohh and a question i wanted to ask you guys has anyone been outside for about 10 minutes and your lips turn blue? not all the way blue but half way???? freaked me out. my lips are light light pink anyways but i was just wondering if this happened to anyone else. ohh and another my friend and spouse got to feel what i feel all the time today when we almost wrecked. finally they understand. ;)

God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change
courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to know the difference
Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; taking as he did, this sinful world as it is, not as i would have it;
trusting that he will make things right if i surrender to his will;
that i may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with him forever in the next. AMEN

01-12-2011, 05:28 AM
i think i will try the meds just because im tired of getting frustrated with my kids. the stress i have you cant take away. so im kinda stuck in a rut.

I have noticed that what makes us anxious is not our immediate worries such as finances or a job. These things make us nervous and worry but they are not usually panic attack material.

The cause of our anxiety lies much, much deeper.

So, I do not agree that you are stuck. The stress might make you frustrated with your kids, but the stress is NOT the cause of your anxiety.

Dig around a bit. Find out what is making you feel unsafe, where the threat is coming from that is causing your anxiety.


01-25-2011, 11:31 PM
sometimes drugs do work. It didn't work for me and it doesn't work for a lot of people. But I do personally know a few success stories. It doesn't hurt to give it a try. If you are lucky, it's all you need.

02-01-2011, 01:19 AM
I have noticed that what makes us anxious is not our immediate worries such as finances or a job. These things make us nervous and worry but they are not usually panic attack material.

The cause of our anxiety lies much, much deeper.

So, I do not agree that you are stuck. The stress might make you frustrated with your kids, but the stress is NOT the cause of your anxiety.

Dig around a bit. Find out what is making you feel unsafe, where the threat is coming from that is causing your anxiety.


You are perfectly right Zuena, the cause of our anxiety is much much deeper, it is an exciting quest for people like us!!!