View Full Version : New to anxiety

01-10-2011, 03:35 PM
I'm 25 and have never had any real health issues. Recently I had an illness and found out that I'm slightly underweight. Since then it appears to have left a slight pyschological scar on me. Which I think is anxiety. I've never been a worrier but am now consumed with thoughts of my impending death even though the doctor told me I have no illness. Now I struggle with sleeping, worrying,what feels like my body is pumping! I appear to be on edge most of the time. It comes on like a wave and lasts anything between 5-10 minutes or some times up to a couple of hours.

I guess all I'm really asking is are these regular symptoms of anxiety? Do other people get this?

Generally just asking for advice.

01-11-2011, 06:11 AM
It sounds like anxiety.

What has probably happened is that you have always felt safe in the knowledge that you are a healthy person, and your recent experience has pulled out the carpet from underneath you, so to speak.

What you need to do is get a hold on this before it takes over your life. You need to stop being scared of the anxiety before it gets you in its grip and sends you on a downward slide that could last for years.

I am at work and can not type a long reply, I will answer when I get home.

In the meantime, think about this: the most important thing is to change the way you respond to these waves of anxiety. Fear is only going to make it worse, you will end up .. well, fearing the fear that anxiety attacks bring on. What you are experiencing is a normal fight or flight response, only there is no rational reason for you to feel threatened. Your subconsious is detecting a threat, your body is responding. Your brain just needs a little retraining.

Will talk later.


01-17-2011, 03:56 AM
When i get an attack i take three deep breaths and relax totally, then just keep your mind on your breath (Vipassana).

Hope this helps