View Full Version : Life goes on...

01-10-2011, 11:01 AM
After battling with anxiety for most of 2010, I was afraid of returning to work today. I was worried that the anxiety and panic attacks might start all over again and that I would be in the same position as last year. Instead, I noticed how nothing has really changed and I found comfort in the familiar. People still rush off to work, my office was just as I left it before I went on leave... everything is just the same. I realised that this is exactly what I have been working so hard to achieve over the last 8 months - to find a little place I can call my own, and to establish an environment and routine where I feel safe and secure.

It was a great day, and a wonderful feeling.


01-10-2011, 01:04 PM
Thats great to hear! I know what you mean about having a familiar work environment. I think about the only time I don't feel anxious is when I am busy at work.