View Full Version : Help me

01-09-2011, 03:42 PM
I dont know whether being here will do anything for me or not, I have literally had enough and typed anxiety forums into google hoping for some help!

I have no idea where to start and I am sure many can relate to what I am going through, but it does not take away the pain, the dread and the sheer scale of whats eating and eating at me!

I dont want this post to be a complete moan about the effect anxiety is having on my life, maybe if I just write this down and post it into cyber space I might feel better!!

Well here's hoping..!

I am 27 and gave birth to my 2nd son 3 yrs ago following his birth i was crippled with postnatal depression and had no idea what was happening to me, i evenutally broke down and was seen by a Doctor 18 months after my son was born.

for the past 18 months i have been treated for my depression, in my view successfully; however an ugly monster has arisen in the form of anxiety, which i had suffered with throughout my depression but has came back.

I have been off my anti d medication for nearly 2 months now and i dont want to go back, because i had made progress and i dont want to rely on tablets, I am young with 2 kids i want to fight this and get rid of it from my life!!

i am obsessed with my health that i will have a heart attack, that i will die alone, that my children will find my body!! I am plagued by thoughts of every little thing in life being such an overwhelming and difficult task, even something as simple as reading a bed time story.

I suffer daily with palpitations which i am on medication for, but does not make a difference, I am utterly convinced that the palpitations will kill me and that they are just the introduction to the heart attack that will kill me!!!!!!!!!!

i dont want these thoughts, i want my life, i dont want to die at 27!! I hate what i have become, I feel that this is a scar that will never heal and will control my life and will eventually take me under!!!!!!!

01-10-2011, 03:09 PM
Ms S.

What if for a moment you believed that there is hope to become well again?
What if for a moment these are just sensations and are not life-threatening?
What if the Doctors are correct that there is nothing seriously wrong with you?
What if we are actually encouraging our anxiety?

Maybe you need to start thinking differently. That you are going to be okay and you're not going to die. If that is true; how would you start living differently? Start small, accepting this horrible condition.

Thinking and believing leads to physical responses just as the wrong thoughts leads to cyclical
anxiety acting out in our life.
Bless you