View Full Version : Some Pointers

01-08-2011, 12:04 AM
I am starting this new post to make a few things very clear.

1. You will NOT get better or get rid of anxiety if you don't STOP drowning in a preoccupation with your symptoms.

2. Anyone here can give you advice, but only YOU can take control of your anxiety.

3. This forum is not a crutch to lean on, it is here to help you get better. Get out of the comfort zone of coming here for a little reassurance only, then walking away and not taking the advice of people of who have been there and beaten this thing.

4. As with everything in life, when something goes wrong, GO BACK TO BASICS. Solve the problem, not the symptom.

5. STOP GOOGLING SYMPTOMS!!! If you have been suffering from anxiety for years and you have always been convinced that the symptoms indicate cancer - if you really had it, you would have been dead a long time ago. BE REALISTIC. It's not that easy to die!

6. Ask yourself - do you want to get rid of the anxiety, REALLY want to? If the answer is yes, accept advice and take action.

7. LISTEN. Stop being so preoccupied with your symptoms that you don't take in anything people tell you.

This is the gospel according to Zuena - I beat this thing, and I really want to see people get better!


01-13-2011, 03:19 PM
I am starting this new post to make a few things very clear.

1. You will NOT get better or get rid of anxiety if you don't STOP drowning in a preoccupation with your symptoms.

2. Anyone here can give you advice, but only YOU can take control of your anxiety.

3. This forum is not a crutch to lean on, it is here to help you get better. Get out of the comfort zone of coming here for a little reassurance only, then walking away and not taking the advice of people of who have been there and beaten this thing.

4. As with everything in life, when something goes wrong, GO BACK TO BASICS. Solve the problem, not the symptom.

5. STOP GOOGLING SYMPTOMS!!! If you have been suffering from anxiety for years and you have always been convinced that the symptoms indicate cancer - if you really had it, you would have been dead a long time ago. BE REALISTIC. It's not that easy to die!

6. Ask yourself - do you want to get rid of the anxiety, REALLY want to? If the answer is yes, accept advice and take action.

7. LISTEN. Stop being so preoccupied with your symptoms that you don't take in anything people tell you.

This is the gospel according to Zuena - I beat this thing, and I really want to see people get better!


I concur on this. Especially true for me. I have struggled with anxiety for over ten yrs. On meds. Off meds. Natural remedies. Tried alot of things. Many of them worked well. But then when I would feel better I would go off and back into my old ways of doing things and thinking. Before u know it I was right back where I started. Anxious as ever. It really is ongoing and if u really want to get better and stay better u have to work at it. Symptoms are only the tip of the iceberg.

01-13-2011, 04:13 PM
I am starting this new post to make a few things very clear.

1. You will NOT get better or get rid of anxiety if you don't STOP drowning in a preoccupation with your symptoms.

2. Anyone here can give you advice, but only YOU can take control of your anxiety.

3. This forum is not a crutch to lean on, it is here to help you get better. Get out of the comfort zone of coming here for a little reassurance only, then walking away and not taking the advice of people of who have been there and beaten this thing.

4. As with everything in life, when something goes wrong, GO BACK TO BASICS. Solve the problem, not the symptom.

5. STOP GOOGLING SYMPTOMS!!! If you have been suffering from anxiety for years and you have always been convinced that the symptoms indicate cancer - if you really had it, you would have been dead a long time ago. BE REALISTIC. It's not that easy to die!

6. Ask yourself - do you want to get rid of the anxiety, REALLY want to? If the answer is yes, accept advice and take action.

7. LISTEN. Stop being so preoccupied with your symptoms that you don't take in anything people tell you.

This is the gospel according to Zuena - I beat this thing, and I really want to see people get better!


Hey Zuena,

I'm honestly really glad you got over it. I had a taste of that and it felt really good before I had a relapse. I'd just like to say that whenever I feel great I always revert back to the feeling of "it's not going to last" like somebody else is controlling my mind or something. It sounds so stupid from someone on the outside but it's really hard to change the way you think.

I won't give up. I used to think running away from my problems was the answer but I realize it's not. Confront what you have and make it into something trivial. Go sneak up behind your problem and pull it's pants down so you can point and laugh at it and it will NEVER seem as scary as it once was.

Good luck to all of you, keep on fighting until you get better!