View Full Version : back agian

01-07-2011, 11:55 AM
so i have been to therapy twice and have been reading some really interesting books on anxiety but the thing that keeps returning is my unbalanced issues. i have not had anymore problems with spots in vision paps or panic attack for that matter just this unbalanced feeling. i hate it. does anyone really know the underlying cause for unbalanced and anxiety and its hard to believe that its all in my head. could it be stress???:eek: i have no clue and am stumped. i think the part that worries me the most is when i was reading one of these books it told me that alot of people have MVP and thats what can cause there anxiety. i have been to the echo about 1 1/2 ago and had no problems and also had that monitor on and no issues there. is it time for me to make a check up appointment just to make sure? cant they detect MVP through EKG? during a panic or not in panic....ERRR its just so frustrating. besides depersonalization i think this is also one of the worst symptoms to go through. well im going to try to take a nap and see if that will help some

hope everyone else is okay today..

01-07-2011, 01:23 PM
Hey Mamadrama1985- I highly doubt it's MVP, as a doctor can hear this as a clicking through a simple stethoscope check. What is this unbalanced feeling your talking about?


01-07-2011, 06:50 PM
hmmmmmmm this is not as easy as i thought. if you ever had a sinus infection do you know what that unbalanced feels like? kinda like that. if not its like im moving slow NO SPINNING NOT LIKE THAT> im not dizzy at all i just feel off balanced. like in a dream like state almost floaty. jeez the more i explain it the more ridiculous it starts to sound but its there i swear. ;) im just tired of it all. i feel like either going and crying it out. or just coping and i am scared that if i keep it in to long that will bring on a panic attack. plus today started off all wrong. i got in a fight with my best friend and my spouse was released back to work from workmans comp and he drove me everywhere (i have driving phobia) and he was always here for me in case i had a panic attack and my kids are only 2 and 7 so i worry about them when i get like that. i get so frustrated at them when i have anxiety symptoms and its just not fair to them. there to young to understand what mommy is going through. i mean im only 25 you would think that i wouldnt be worried so much about my health but i am.

My friend kinda relieved me as well about the whole MVP thing so im not to worried on that its just hard to swallow all this drama at once plus the being home alone thing. his job makes him work from 9 am till 8pm but he doesnt really get home till 9. sorry for rambling. I have sinus issues and have to get 5 teeth removed (wisdom and one other bad one) and every time i swallow my ears pop. i really think there is something else going on. i get like this alot. i have visited ENT but im going to try another doctor. the Ent i go to is awesome he did the tubes on my 2 year old. again im sorry for rambling my minds just racing.

hope you all are okay:)

01-07-2011, 11:49 PM
Gotta love you Kev. :-)

Mama, I had the same balance issues. I wasn't dizzy, I was off balance. It started due to a cold that affected my ears, but carried on a little too long and turned into a symptom of anxiety. I turned it into a symptom because I was so carefully analysing just how off balance I was every second of the day.

When I realised it, I DECIDED bugger this, it is bad enough and I don't need yet another symptom. It went away.

I have been panic free for about 4 or so months and I only experience the odd bit of anxiety in very new situations now - because I stood up and took action.

I'd like to see you get better.


01-08-2011, 11:32 AM
WOW> Thank you. I read your post and cried the whole time. exactly what you said was true. I cannot enjoy my kids because of anxiety and cycles that i have gotten myself into...like for instance im okay when i am reading or doing class work or just rocking in the recliner and my kids are either destroying my house or getting into things that there not supposed to i get pissed of because im coming out of my comfort zone to do something. i feel so horrible for that but its almost as if im scared to change and i want that change so bad but am Lazy? i havent figured that out yet. I started anxiety about 2 years ago maybe a little more and i have missed out on alot of things as well as my kids. for instance my 7 year old wanted to do cheer leading this year again and my selfish ass was only thinking im going to panic around crowds blah blah blah. I was fine for a long time with the help of this site and anxietycentres long list of symptoms. then stress built back up and BAM anxiety again. i had my first panic attack in a year about 3 weeks ago thats when i decided to start therapy. I have a bunch of negativity around me all the time and i feel like if i drop those negative people who else would i have? i would be all alone. there would be no one here to watch my kids while im crippled on the floor shaking it out. see i tend to forgive people really really easily. i dont know why i just do. maybe its how i was raised i dont really know. my therapist said to stop talking to my mom because she isnt being supportive and i feel like i cant do that because she and my gma are the only ones in north carolina. all the rest of my family are in Iowa. thats 6 states away. Maybe i feel like i would have been different if i grew up there instead of with my mom and all the stuff i went through with her. now that i read your reply i feel like getting up and going outside with my kids like they want to do. i guess i was afraid i would get lightheaded out side or have a panic attack outside and my kids would make there way to the high way . i really dont have the answer of why to that. I have alot of anger built up inside. maybe i do need to seek anger management as well as cont. therapy....well im going out side. i wont die out there. thanks for your reply and that nice shake back into life..


01-08-2011, 11:33 AM
Gotta love you Kev. :-)

Mama, I had the same balance issues. I wasn't dizzy, I was off balance. It started due to a cold that affected my ears, but carried on a little too long and turned into a symptom of anxiety. I turned it into a symptom because I was so carefully analysing just how off balance I was every second of the day.

When I realised it, I DECIDED bugger this, it is bad enough and I don't need yet another symptom. It went away.

I have been panic free for about 4 or so months and I only experience the odd bit of anxiety in very new situations now - because I stood up and took action.

I'd like to see you get better.


I think that was what is going on with me. i have sinusitis and along with that it makes you unbalanced as well. thanks for your reply