View Full Version : Chest Pain, Trouble Breathing, Fear of Heart Attack

01-06-2011, 02:31 PM
I've been battling my anxiety for about a year now, since a particularly nasty panic kicked off a new saga in my life.

Basically my problem these days is this, I'm obsessed with having a heart attack. I frequently get chest pains, like tight tight crushing feelings in the center of my chest, which leads to my shoulders and neck tightening up. I find that it feels like my throat is closing up and I can't breath. Just a few days ago this caused me take my first trip in an ambulance. 8 hours later I was discharged, nothing wrong with me.

The catch is, I've had multiple EKGs, both relaxed and under duress, I've had a stress test that came back normal, all my bloodwork has been good, I'm a non-smoker. I am, however, severely overweight, but I'm told that as long as I take care of that before I get too much older I should be fine. I'm only 29, but I'm convinced I'm about to have a heart attack ALL THE TIME!

Anybody else like this? How can I get over this obsession?

01-06-2011, 02:36 PM
The past few days I have been feeling the same way. I am curious to see the replies to your post. I am sorry I couldn't help. I am just starting to try and get help with my anxiety.

01-06-2011, 03:54 PM
Face it guy; you have panic disorder
Accept that your symptoms are simply anxiety.
However, consider this:
At this point you can't control a heart attack from happening, but you can control factors that can lead to one.
So, focus on getting healthy and working through your anxiety
Change your focus from dying to living
Exercise; eat better; sleep well; lose weight; all the things were taught to lead a healthy life
Accept your anxiety and work towards healing while also striving towards a healthier lifestyle

And keep learning about defeating this; but you must take care of yourself physically, mentally and spiritually as well

01-09-2011, 07:56 PM
The above post says it all. As part of my early days with anxiety, I was always edgy about my heartbeat. The more I thought about it the heavier my heart beat felt. The heavier it was the more I worried it wouldn't go away. Somehow you have to break that cycle.

01-12-2011, 05:29 PM
I used to be just the same, I was always having chest pains, and convinced I was having a heart attack. I too am over weight, I am 20 and I have suffered with anxiety since the age of 11.

I still get pains down my left arm, I say a pain, but its more like a dull ache that keeps me awake and is so frustrating.

I have now convinced myself that this is all anxiety and it is all in my head. I know it sounds easy for me to say it to you, but it worked for me.

I was on this forum every single day, constantly posting threads to get answers. People are amazing here and I feel that just looking on here helps me a lot.