View Full Version : Your hearts pounding, i panic cause i think mines gonna stop

08-08-2006, 05:27 AM
I have read quite a lot on panic attacks recently. I had one 5 weeks ago now when i was just driving home, boom, hit me like a brick..
Anyway, now i fear driving, going on public transport and going to church and shopping centres.. im ok at work, and when walking down the streets etc, and there is no way i want to get worse.
But when i feel like an attack coming on, i have a compulsion to feel that my heart is beating, i automatically think its going to stop, i keep telling myself its not, but for some reason in all the anxiety, i think it is, am i the only one who gets this sensation??

08-09-2006, 03:32 PM
I have read quite a lot on panic attacks recently. I had one 5 weeks ago now when i was just driving home, boom, hit me like a brick..
Anyway, now i fear driving, going on public transport and going to church and shopping centres.. im ok at work, and when walking down the streets etc, and there is no way i want to get worse.
But when i feel like an attack coming on, i have a compulsion to feel that my heart is beating, i automatically think its going to stop, i keep telling myself its not, but for some reason in all the anxiety, i think it is, am i the only one who gets this sensation??

Your not alone, I think theres all sorts wrong with my heart in panics, Pals, race, slowing down, stopping, blowing up everything.

I guess you could say I have heart anxiety :roll:

08-17-2006, 12:41 PM
That completley makes sence, everyones anxiety is brought on by a fear, your fear is that you may have an anxiety attack and your heart may stop beating or blow up. so while you are doing anything out of your comfort zone you are going to think about it and worry which will lead to you having another panic attack. My fear is vomiting. I know that probably sounds weird but I have an intense fear that I may vomit. So if my stomach has any weird feeling in it, It sends me into an anxiety attack. Latley I am trying some self help techniques. maybe this can be helpfull to you. Whenever you feel anxious about doing something or going somewhere... try to keep that anxious feeling and just drive around the block.. tell your self that you want to keep that feeling to face that fear, accept the fear that you think your heart may stop. just drive and say well if my heart is going to stop, this will be the time, (it's not going to) but you really have to face it, but don't try to take to big of steps. And just by trying to keep that feeling (as bad as you want it to leave) it will ease dramatically because your mind is not expecting you to be alright with the feeling you will have and you can retrain your mind. I hope this helps a little. good luck to you.