View Full Version : New here and very anxious!

01-04-2011, 06:07 PM
Hi everyone,

I've reached the end of my rope so I'm swinging in here for some advice. I have been diagnosed with a myriad of life-threatening medical problems the past three years. The majority are genetic in nature or are the result of complications from the genetic conditions.

Anyway, it's been very anxiety provoking to be sick. I have learned fantastic coping skills. Workbooks, therapy, websites, you name it - I've done it. The problem is that I get obsessed with some complication or medical issue that can kill me and my anxiety spirals absolutely out of control. The local psych services center dismissed me because they felt I had too much control over my issues and no clear goals for therapy.

For example, two nights ago, I developed pain in my leg. I'm always in pain. Pretty soon I had convinced myself that I had a blood clot. I am *still* obsessing over the thought of having a blood clot that is going to dislodge and cause a PE and kill me. I can't shake it. I'll occupy myself with other things and then my attention is diverted back to my leg and the cycle starts again.

I need some advice. I need some guidance. I don't know if I should "feed into it" and go to the dr and have it checked out or if I should just keep going as normal convincing myself it's muscular (likely) and I'm just a bit bonkers right now.