View Full Version : can anyone work this out?

08-08-2006, 03:33 AM
So ive been reading and doing my cognitive behavoul therapy, so i found out of course a panic attack cannot kill you nor can it give you a heart attack, and i found out we need to replace the bad thoughts or negative thoughts with positive ones instead of thinging "what if" think what is more likely to happen... so can anyone work it out if alot of us have learnt that we need to think positively instead of negatively why is it so easy to think this when we are not anxious but when we start to panic or thing of something that really worries us how can we change the thoughts to think positively? or does it just take practise?

08-08-2006, 10:28 AM
it takes serious amounts of practice jono

I have been doing my CBT for over a year and i still get HIGH anxiety levels. The good thing is that when u practice these techniques daily (even when u hav no anxiety) you will be ready to use them when the time comes. I used to neglect practicing but I would regret it when the next panic attack came. Just practice a few times a day, like b4 work and b4 bed.

good luck

08-09-2006, 10:05 PM
yeah the habbit way of thinking we picked up would take alot of practise to try and change the way we think but i guess you need to practise to become good at anything

08-10-2006, 04:40 PM
exactly ;)

08-13-2006, 10:46 AM
practise what

08-13-2006, 02:36 PM
when i went to see my psycologist he gave me breathing and distraction tecniques to help me cope with anxiety. I am supposed to do them 3 times a day every day but i often forget or just cant be bothered :(

08-14-2006, 02:58 AM
practise what

practise to change the way we think

08-17-2006, 12:33 PM
Yes, it definatley takes a lot of practise. The thing is, our anxiety attacks are brought on by us fearing something bad is about to happen, which leads us to have our anxiety. If we always thought positivley and didn't worry so much chances are we wouldn't panic. I have a fear of vomiting, and if I get the slightest weird feeling in my stomach I begin to have a panic attack because I think the worst is about to happen but if I could just brush it off and be like oh I just don't feel well it doesn't mean I am going to vomit I would have less panic attacks but it is really hard to do when we all have such a repeated pattern of what we think would be the worst thing. Our minds are so amazing as to how they work. It is a fear that we created and yet we still reinforce the fear (of whatever causes our anxiety) and telling our mind that it is something to be scared of so anytime we get in that situation our anxiety is to go so high and with each time we reinforce it the anxiety will be worse. I really belive that CBT is the best way to go, just don't give up because it does take a lot of time but it is worth it. :)