View Full Version : anxiety or not?can anyone help

01-03-2011, 08:34 AM
hi to you all

i am a 61 years old male and have been having strange feelings for about 5 months.i have stiffness in my neck and up into my head,my neck makes a grinding and cracking sound.my head feels like there is a tight band round it and radiates to a tingling feeling to the top of my head.i also have a feeling as though my legs are going to give way,these feelings seem to get worse if i am going to strange places or situations,and recently even going to friends and relations houses.i have recently have been having tests for heart problems including a angiogram which showed no major problems,but i need a follow up appoinment for a 48 hr ecg tape.i am wondering if my symptoms could be anxiety brought on by the worry of my heart problems,or are they something completely different and i have anxiety as well.