View Full Version : Illness or Anxiety???

01-02-2011, 05:19 PM
3years ago i came back from NZ with i think a tummy bug. I have had every test under the sun but they are all good. I have recurring bladder infections though. The past 3 years i have barely been not nausous. im sooo up and down, it really affect my stomach and digestion what ever it is. I have times when im scared to go out because i do get random diarrear and dry reaching. Recently i developed another bladder infection which i neglected because i just thought it was my anxiety. As the only symptom i got was nausea and dry reaching and few tummy aches. I am up to my second course of antibiotics and still feel crap. I feel like im going nuts i cant determine if im really sick or if it is anxiety. I have a constant fear of being sick. Will this ever end?? i see a psycologist and have cbt but its hard to change thinking patterns when you feel nausea all the time. What should i do???im desperate!

Jim Locke
01-02-2011, 11:04 PM
Well I can't give you an exact diagnoses but you definitely have some anxiety which really doesn't help anything. I can't say whether your sickness is from anxiety or not but I know stress can really hurt your body. I'm not a doctor but I've seen people get some really bad ulcers in there stomach just from stress. So bad that they would be in constant pain. I believe a doctor would have seen this but it's possible they missed it. My best advice would be to at least get your anxiety under control, as hard as it may seem. Don't worry about being sick just live life to the fullest and do what you need to do day to day. If you have more questions I'll try to help. I wish the best of luck to you!