View Full Version : anxiety day and during the night..help

01-02-2011, 08:36 AM
I was good for so long ...almost 3 years. I lowered my effexor and was ok for 5 months but edgy and emotional. Finally after waking up shaking for 3 nights in a row my anxiety kicked up into full gear. I am now back up on meds for 5 days now..don't see a change, I take xanax as needed. Has anyone ever gotten anxiety throughout the night as well? I go to bed with it and have to take a xnanax then wake up during the night and the morning with it...it's horrible!!!! Anyone have anythig that helped them through this. I can't take having this 24/7..I am trying to not think about it but damn it's hard...Any advice?? Thanks

01-02-2011, 08:41 AM
Also quick note..I am laid off so I have more time on my hands then the last flare up I had 3 yrs ago..any advice with this too

01-02-2011, 10:00 AM
Oh yeah, I can relate on that, my friend. By any chance do you happen to eat before going to sleep? I used to wake up in the early hours of the morning shaking, with cold sweats, from eating a lot of sugar before bed.

As far as advice goes, are you going to see a doctor anytime soon? Maybe try some exercise before you go to sleep, go for a short run.

Hope you get better soon.

01-02-2011, 03:17 PM
my anxiety is flare up too because my spouse is on workmans comp and has been home for the last 6 months we are always bickering at one another and hes bored at home and he just sits there...errr gets on my nerves and makes my anxiety worse but the worse thing is the pay cut.....financial stress is taking its tole on me

01-03-2011, 06:58 AM
I all..Yes the doc upped my meds to what they originally were 5 months ago. I also take xanax at night but it wears up and I end up in a shakey nervous state. I don't eat before bed normally either.