View Full Version : Mental health as a occupation?

08-05-2006, 09:46 PM
i was thinking what i wanna do with my life and it hit me why dont i do a mental health course seeing i suffer anxiety/panic attacks maybe i can help people to overcome or even get help before its too late, and try to inform people about it, If i can try to overcome my own problems maybe i can help someone else to do the same hmm

08-08-2006, 12:28 PM
Jono, I think that's a great idea. Sometimes helping other people with their anxieties helps you get your mind off yours! Go for it!


08-09-2006, 10:03 PM
exactly what i was thinking, but a friend of mine is in the field of health and its alot of study before you can even start to takle mental health but im willing to give it a try ;)

08-16-2006, 03:27 AM
What about seeing if you can volunter with a local group?

Good luck - fab idea!

08-17-2006, 12:46 PM
What a great idea. I have been feeling the same way. I would like to be a psychologist, because I know how it feels to be down and out and I want to make others feel the way my psychologist made me feel. To this day I believe my psychologist saved my life and I could just imagine the feeling that would be to see someone for the first time and they are so lost and broken and then to continue seeing them and a year down the road you see that you helped this person and you made them feel that it is ok to be the way you are, and let them no that it does get better.... I think it would be amazing. It is great that you see and know what you went through and you want to help people. That would really make a difference especially since you walked it and can relate to the person you are helping. Good luck to you. :D