View Full Version : Help!!! Just got denied catastrophic insurance due to anxiety!!

01-01-2011, 08:02 PM
I just found this site and was wondering if anyone could offer some advice. I was booted from my parents medical coverage after age 23, and i'm now looking to get some catastrophic, high deductible insurance to cover any potential injury that could cause me to go bankrupt.

When i filled out the application, i noted that i was on celexa and buspar for social anxiety disorder. This resulted in my application being denied. If im getting denied for basic catastrophic coverage, how the hell do i get insurance?! I have no idea where to go?

Also, do you know why they deny coverage for people with anxiety......my only guess would be it is linked to depression and may make me a higher risk for suicide or self harm? Is that right?

If any of you have been through this, please let me know what you did. Thanks in advace

01-01-2011, 09:20 PM
i have no idea.... thats the oddest thing i have ever heard of though. i would try social services to see if you could maybe get medicaid they dont ask those types of questions.. i dont know your situation or whatever but its worth the shot... also blue cross and blue shield is what my spouse has and he only pays a 30 dollar co pay...... good luck