View Full Version : Anxiety very high..help!

01-01-2011, 08:16 AM
Well a little backgroung..I have ocd and anxiety, which means I think way too much about negative things. Both have been under control with the help of meds for 3 yrs...Three yrs ago I had an episode and went up on meds and have been ok. 5 months ago since I was feeling so good I went to my lowest dose in over 3 yrs. I had some stress and boom it all came down on me. Now I have been anxious for 5 days..upped meds again 2 days ago. I am also having trouble sleeping and waking up during the night? Anyone have advice for night anxiety? I am trying to just let it go but I keep thinking now that I will never get better and all this bad stuff...please help with any advice


01-01-2011, 10:22 AM
Hey! I have been going through the negative thoughts too. One of the big ways to help your thoughts/OCD is understanding. Know that the thoughts are irrational and treat them as what they are, just thoughts. Your mind is tired and when it is in this state, every thought sticks and you are unable to dismiss it. Just understand that there is nothing wrong with you and that you can get better. Let the thoughts come, fighting them will only store negative energy and make you feel more anxious. Let them come and don't let them bother you, just think "this is the anxiety, it is not rational." Worrying about your feelings can keep you in the cycle of anxiety. Relax yourself and give your mind a break, that is all it needs. Hope you feel better soon :)

01-01-2011, 10:27 AM
There are several ways of tackling anxiety than just attempting to control or suppress the symptoms with medication.

1.) Exercise. In my experience the best type of exercise is Yoga- because this addresses and corrects all systems of the body- including muscle tension, calms central nervous systems, balances and controls the mind and endocrine system, and the list goes on. In my experience this is the number one cure for anxiety.

2.) Diet. You are what you eat. In my experience, eating natural healthy foods and drinking lots of water- to wash our your anxiety. Diet is key. In my own opinion/experience being vegetarian also helps.

3.) Activity. Most people who are constantly thinking and worrying means that they have time to do this. When you riding a bicycle, if you start to slow down then you lose all balance and end up crashing. The same in life. A constant forward motion and activity in life means you are well balanced and enjoying the ride. This also is true for a loving work that you do in life.

4.) Positive supportive and loving relationships. Love and support in relationships, family and friendships helps produce Serotonin and chemicals of love and peace. A healthy sex life is also important. Any suppression and disturbances in sexuality can manifest in anxiety and depression.

It is a shame that most doctors do not ask about all of these things before prescribing medication.

01-02-2011, 08:40 AM
Thanks for advice. I have started the gym..sure is hard to pull myself there but I am. I am also trying to convince myself that its only anxiety it will pass..but then my damn negative thought want to say no your stuck with it forever...uughhh. I am also laid off which makes it worse bc I have too much time on my hands

01-02-2011, 03:19 PM
i too have ocd and cant stop my running mind. constantly all day is chitter chitter chitter.... HELP how do you make it stop?

01-02-2011, 05:32 PM
:):):) thanks i didnt know that...... ha i learn something new each day.. i think after i finish my degree in Science i will do psychology to help others with anxiety

01-02-2011, 07:04 PM
You sound a lot like me but medication has a bad affect on me. I'm always stressed and anxious. I have started acupuncture and that has been helpful. I also do a lot of guided meditations on type. If you google: Marc UCLA - there are guided meditations on-line that are free and have been helpful for me. I put off doing the meditations and then I get wound up and anxious - feeling like I'm having a heart attack, etc. I have to learn to do the work.

Jim Locke
01-02-2011, 10:51 PM
This is all really good advice so far. The biggest thing is understanding, as many have said. Personally, I really hate living off of medications but sometimes it really helps reduce the symptoms. You may consider trying more natural medications if you don't want to rely completely on prescriptions. St. John's Wort (http://amzn.to/f4jgpD) worked really well for me but it's more for depression. Chamomile (http://amzn.to/gi6tq7) on the other hand just focuses on sleeping aid. Both are natural and more like vitamins than medications and unless you are allergic neither can hurt your body even if it doesn't work for you.

01-03-2011, 06:55 AM
Thanks everyone..I am trying hard to clock these thoughts..today I am going to try to go the majority of the day without thinking of anxiety and what ifs. I always felt good for 3 yrs and when I lowered my meds and had stressors this is what happened..now I fear I will never feel good again.