View Full Version : Constantly anxious, anyone else?

12-31-2010, 03:21 PM
For the last three days, I have been confined to my room. I'm constantly anxious, my heart feels like it's beating really fast all the time, I get dizzy spells, nauseous, etc.

I've had an anxiety disorder for the last three years, and I get these 'flare-ups' every couple of months, and it scares the shit out of me. I'm not on any medications (haven't been in years), and I haven't seen a therapist in almost a year.

I'm thinking about going back to my therapist, but they're not open until monday. I'm trying to calm myself down, but unlike when I usually get a panic attack, this is constant, and feels like i'm constantly on edge. Does anyone else experience this periods of panic like this? Or have any advice as to what it may be? I'm always afraid I have something medically wrong with me.

Thanks for any help, -anxious_floridian

12-31-2010, 03:37 PM
yesss all the time..ill be fine for a while and then bam panic comes back.. i have regular symptoms alot but not constant panic... i just started therapy which that first appointment change my panic for a week and then here it is again... i dont go back till monday....9am.....i was alright all day and then i played kinect on xbox360 and was jumping around etc and now i feel really really weird.. like lightheaded....its really buggin me

12-31-2010, 03:52 PM
Hi anxious_floridian

the worst thing you can do whilst coping with anxiety is to keep thinking about it, by constantly thinking about it we will be constantly anxious. People who are seriously medically unwell are in a hospital. Im sure your not in a hospital so im sure you do not have an illness. This is somthing you need to constantly reassure yourself with. When suffering from anxiety you need to change your thoughts. We will constantly make ourselves think theres somthing wrong, were ill, were going to die etc... but the fact is 24 hours later were going to be still alive and still able to walk breath and speak. Anxiety is all about "thinking" theres somthing wrong, so instead of thinking about what could be wrong, start thinking about whats right, you can walk, talk, see, and hear!

Because like three years ago when you probably thought you were medically ill it turns out there was nothing wrong with you, because three years later your still here!! and in three years time your going to be still here. So rationalise with yourself.. tell yourself these things!

and staying in one room will enclose yourself with your thoughts which will make things so much worse, your brain needs stimulation and exercise to take your mind of the anxiety because if you dont all its all its got to work with, and thats what will lead to constant anxiety

12-31-2010, 04:35 PM
I suffer from the same thing, its been a gradual build up, when it happens for me personally i go for a run, the runners high trumps everything ne thing to get your mind off that terrible feeling of impending doom if what id recommend my freind !

12-31-2010, 04:49 PM
Hey guys, thanks for the quick replies. Yeah, i'm trying to realize that this has happened before, and it will pass. I do still want to visit my therapist so I can get some help, until then i've been trying to beat this on my own, and at my age (20) I really can't afford something holding me back from enjoying my life.

As for the running, i've tried that the other day, and it ended up making me extremely anxious, and throwing me into a pretty large panic attack. I mean, I honestly have nothing to lose though so maybe i'll go for a short run tonight. Thanks again, everyone.

01-01-2011, 12:43 AM
Why do you say that about running KeV? that has not been my experience

01-01-2011, 08:15 PM
I agree with kev strenous exercise makes it worse because it gets your adrenaline going which is what cause panic attacks.........over spill of adrenaline causes your heart to race etc....

01-02-2011, 02:34 PM
I would like to start running, but does anyone else start getting really panicky while running, or exercising, that could possibly lead to a panic attack?

01-02-2011, 02:56 PM
I run and feel it helps me; certainly at times I've felt anxiety with running, but I feel anxiety when I'm not running; but, you've got to exercise to be healthy and maintain a healthy heart. There are physical stimuli when running which can create panic, but you've got to accept it and let it pass or you'll never do strenuous exercise and that's not good. I've read one 30 min workout equals one anti-depressant. If you train your thoughts and body to handle good workouts then you'll be able to handle other stressors with confidence. Start with small goals and work your way to longer distances.

01-02-2011, 03:15 PM
YES i feel WORSE after anything that has to do with heart rate racing... for me i think it is because during a panic attack your heart races..even though i know that my hearts racing from running it still freaks me out because panic does the same thing....agian its due to adrenaline.