View Full Version : Important- info about the forums and me!

12-30-2010, 08:10 AM
Hi All,

I wanted to say hi to everyone and tell you a little bit about who the final owner of the forum turned out to be, I know it was a spam nightmare around here for a bit so I’m glad I was able to get all that cleared up about as good as it can be.

First let me start off with letting you know why the forums themselves changed. The forums used to run on a free open source platform that didn’t have the type of spam management we needed to do a good job keeping the spammers at bay. With a smaller forum, spammers can be deleted manually, but when you have fifty spam posts a day it gets overwhelming and we needed something more aggressive from the software.

To control spam and provide an overall better experience to everyone long term, we migrated to a non-free software platform that is used by many of the larger forums online. Once I became involved in the site this was the first thing I focused on, but it took about two days to move, so I apologize the board was down during that time, it’s just how long it takes to move 100,000 members.

Also, since passwords were encrypted, they need to be reset on the new software, so if you’re having any problems logging in, that is why. All you should need to do is click the “Forgot Password” link and you can reset it via email. Again, you should only have to do this once. I know it’s a bit of a pain in the neck, but it’s unavoidable if we want to kick the spammers out of here, so I think it’s very much for the best and worth the few minutes of inconvenience.

If you have any problems, please let me know using the contact form on the forum, not this thread, and I will do my best to make sure you get your issue resolved.

Now a little about me...

My name is Rich Presta and I used to suffer with anxiety and panic disorder for many years, and a little over 10 years ago overcame my anxiety and panic attacks. Sine then I’ve written several books and programs on overcoming anxiety disorders such as The Panic Puzzle, The Driving Fear Program, and others.

When I was struggling with anxiety, having forums and a place to talk to others who understood what I was going through was tremendously helpful. Because of that, I want to ensure that people who are where I used to be continue to have places to go online to share stories, get advice, and just not feel so alone. I wanted to get involved in this forum so I could make sure it was taken good care of and remained operational for everyone that needs it.

I don’t have a lot of rules regarding the forum except be nice to one another, no spam, and no blatant advertising. What do I mean by blatant advertising? If you’re reading a book or seeing a therapist that you think is great and you’ve been here for awhile, go ahead and post about it, whether it’s my programs or someone else’s. However, if you have one or two posts and you’re posting links, that’s probably going to be deleted, so please contribute first and add some value.

Yes, it’s absolutely fine to talk about ANYONE’S material or programs that you find helpful, not just mine. This is YOUR forum, not mine, so talk about whatever you want.

You can also find a link to a chat room in the forums, just look down the page, it’s a link within the main forum structure.

I generally won’t be posting in the forums, I’ll leave it to the mods to do what they think best, I trust their judgment, so please don’t ask me questions via the forums, I won’t see them.

If anyone has been here for a while and would like to be considered for a mod position, please let me know via the contact form on the website.

If anyone wants to read my blog and get a sense for what I do, it is here:


One last thing...

Spammers and anyone who mistreats anyone else on the forums DO NOT get second chances. If you don’t know how to behave on a forum, you get banned forever, it’s very simple and very permanent.

Thanks everyone, I appreciate your patience during the transition and I look forward to giving you the tools you need to have the best possible forum!


Rich Presta

08-15-2011, 07:29 AM
Thanx a ton for this invaluable forum....God Bless!!!

09-19-2011, 11:23 AM
great thread, great person, thank you x

02-18-2012, 05:08 PM
againg...great thread.... thankyou

06-13-2012, 06:22 PM
againg...great thread.... thankyou

Hi how's u

06-15-2012, 05:21 AM
orning going to work because I had a panic attack there. So i feel like I might have an attack there again and people will see and think I am strange. Right now it is a struggle for me and I cry because I thought I was doin

09-09-2012, 10:28 AM
Hi Rich:

Thank you for all you have done.
It is remarkable.

Best regards,

02-04-2013, 05:18 PM
Glad to be here. I made the mistake of posting a link to my blog in my first post. Wasn't trying to spam but just figured I'd do that to introduce myself instead of pretty much copy the main points into thread. I'm new to the world of online-forums and it's been relieving to see that I'm not alone.

03-13-2013, 07:43 PM
I'm trying to figure out how I start a thread. I tried 3 times and it wouldnt post. Idk what i'm doing wrong

04-25-2013, 12:23 AM

06-10-2013, 06:30 AM
Thank-You Rich for making this resource available for people dealing with anxiety..

It make such a big difference having a community like this..

Knowing and seeing that you not alone with it is a great help!

07-14-2013, 07:09 PM
Just getting accustomed to the tricks of this forum. I wonder if anyone has been diagnosed with PTSD? There is an awful lot of anxiety with it, depression, too, and most of all unexplained anger. I have managed to overcome a lot of the anger because it comes from being hurt, but the anxiety part is very difficult. I understand it comes from previous trauma and the fear of it happening again.

It is extreme. The guys in my group call it various names, the dragon, the lizard, the beast. Most of us have resolved that we will have it the rest of our lives. It is just very very deep. Much of the anxiety is manifested in "heightened awareness." I know where everyone is in a restaurant, a theater, anywhere I walk, I know who is coming, what is behind me. Sleep is really a luxury. I have taken most of the drugs and warned against taking others. Right now Ativan low dose is doing OK. I have taken most of the other stronger benzos. Most SSRI's are worthless for me. Zoloft actually caused hallucinations. Very chemical thing. A new therapy, EMDRA, works some of the time not always. I wonder if any of you have tried it.

Flashbacks come from nowhere much of the time. And nightmares. A sound can conjure a bad memory. I have read much of the helpful suggestions in the forum and I am deeply grateful. I don't know why this is happening now after so many years. I thought I had put it all behind me. Thanks for your suggestions.

02-06-2014, 09:04 AM
Posting in the wrong thread, sorry

09-24-2014, 04:18 PM
Hi Allon. My heart breaks for you and all you are going through. I, too, have been diagnosed with PTSD based primarily though not entirely on a brutal attempted murder by a family member many years ago. That got the ball rolling with many of the symptoms you describe though not for the most part as extreme. By far my main issue now is anxiety. It is my beast. I tell you this to tell you that many other symptoms have faded over time and I wish the same for you.
I did do EMRD fairly recently with a skilled therapist. We focused only on the violent experience. It has helped. I can remember the experience but not react emotionally to it with the exception of very appropraite anger. This fades very quickly. Within minutes. Well worth a try. Make sure you find an EMRD therapist who is specifically credentialed in EMRD.
To say I wish you the best is an enormous understatement. Luck and love to you.

10-05-2014, 04:13 PM
Hello, Mr.Rich Presta,
Oh too late forget IT!!!

10-05-2014, 04:20 PM
Just , "Go To" a topic of your choice

Then, at the TOP is a direction that says," New Thread/Post."

Then from there, you click the Royal Blue Box at the top on the Left side.

Then need to begin with top Title.

Then tab down to the main box, wont submit w/o main box being utilized.

Then after, edit,

Then press Submit.

That's it...

I'm not a real technical person so , I hope that helps you...

07-08-2016, 07:03 PM
Great blog!

07-08-2016, 08:26 PM
Thank you very much for this forum.

07-08-2016, 09:53 PM
Yes, thank you for this forum. It is so helpful to know that others are worriers too.

02-02-2017, 08:10 AM
Rich hasn't been active on here since 2014 and it is now 2017 does anyone know if he is okay or is anyone friends with him? Something isn't right it is like he has left or sold the site .

02-02-2017, 08:40 AM
Rich hasn't been active on here since 2014 and it is now 2017 does anyone know if he is okay or is anyone friends with him? Something isn't right it is like he has left or sold the site .

Rich is an online marketer. He has diet products, fitness products, anxiety products. I think he's too busy to post on this forum. Its main purpose was to link to his product The Panic Puzzle.

07-10-2018, 05:59 AM
Old post. I'm still trying to get the hang of this. but thanks!

cool birb
07-10-2018, 09:31 AM
I'm trying to figure out how I start a thread. I tried 3 times and it wouldnt post. Idk what i'm doing wrong
saaaammeee glad i'm not the only one