View Full Version : What is this & how to deal?

12-29-2010, 05:41 PM
Hi I am a 17 year old girl and am hoping for some guidance/input.
I am a secure, confident person with no outstanding fears and am by no means a worrier (quite the opposite actually lol), nor do I consciously get stressed about things, - yet at the same time I periodically deal with extreme tension for no apparent reason.
I loose the ability to socialize (I technically can but find it a strain & something I really have to force myself to do) & interacting with people makes me increasingly stressed. But even if there is no outside contact, i still remain very tense and incapable of relaxing.
During this time I try everything to achieve temporary relief - baths, reading, watching tv, working out, hanging out with friends, not hanging out with friends etc. NOTHING helps. It generally lasts for about a week and then goes away as abruptly as it starts. The only thing that provides temporary relief during these times is lots of simple carb based food & chocolate. & of course the temporary relief it provides at the time turns into a long term pain in my (ever enlarging) butt! lol

I have No idea what is causing this. It's been going on for quite a while and comes and goes seemingly without reason. It does not appear to be related to my period & occurs regardless of what is going on in my life. I am typically a very healthy eater & workout daily. I'm on no medication & have no health problems.

Any ideas as to what this is & how to manage it are much appreciated! Thank you!

12-31-2010, 06:03 PM
Hi! I have been going through anxiety for a couple of weeks now and, before, it has got to the point to where I don't feel like living. I am much better now after understanding and learning some new things about anxiety. Before I say anything else, I must say that chocolate and carbs are not good at all for your anxiety. You should eat more whole grains and protein. Try taking B vitamins. These really give your mind a break and allow you to think more clearly. Take some deep breathing when you feel your anxiety raise and let the air enlarge your stomach instead of your chest. But like I said the chocolate probably makes you feel more stressed even though it provides short term relief, like you said, it could be causing it to continue. Working out really has helped me during this time and I would think that this would make you feel better if you do it daily. Also try an herbal pill called St. Johns Wort, I've been using it and it seems to help elevate my mood. You can order this online or buy it at a local store like Walmart.
A big part of getting better is understanding. Understand that these feelings are not because you are crazy or because anything is wrong with your mind. All your mind really needs right now is a break. By worrying about it you add to the anxiety and make it worse. This site has really opened my eyes and made me feel better about my anxiety and that it is possible to recover, no matter what!
I hope this helps and that you begin feeling better! Make sure to give it time! :)

Jim Locke
01-02-2011, 11:18 PM
Actually eating in general can help relieve your anxiety for a short period of time, even if it's bad for you, because it gives you a small rush of energy similar to having sex (there's an in depth reason having to do with endorphins in your brain but I won't go there).

Anyway, you may have a mild case of depression. It may only happen every once and awhile but it could get worse if it isn't treated. Does your parents have a history of depression or any kind of anxiety disorders? If so, most likely you do too. Knowing what is going on is going to be the biggest help to you. Like the guy above you mentioned, St. John's Wort (http://amzn.to/f4jgpD) might help regulate you if you do have anxiety and it is basically a vitamin so it won't hurt you.

If you have anymore questions or need some resources, ask away! Best of luck to you!

01-25-2011, 11:37 PM
Sounds like a hormonal issue. Its probably just a phase. If you really have anxiety, it doesn't abruptly go away and come back.