View Full Version : heart palpitations

12-29-2010, 02:23 PM
How often do any of you have heart palpitations? i havent been in to therapy in about a week so i guess its creeping back again..its almost as if im making excuses for it to be there....idk i do know that its frustrating... ill be just fine and then all of a sudden i have heart paps... i have been getting them alot the last two days....:eek: thanks

12-29-2010, 04:08 PM
Try this:

Cut out all caffein

Accept it and simply remind yourself over and over there is nothing wrong but anxiety

Jim Locke
12-29-2010, 04:17 PM
Many people get PVC's from a lack of sleep. When you get an insufficient amount of sleep your mind in your body experience an increase in stress and anxiety. If you stay up throughout the night worrying about things that you have no control over... your very likely to experience heart palpitations & anxiety when you wake up.

And most importantly, you have to learn how to relax a little bit. If you're someone that comes to worry a lot you are very susceptible to anxiety. People like this tend to get into a vicious cycle of anxiety. One little thing tends to set them off and there thoughts start to spiral out of control. They then start thinking about other uncontrollable things and becoming more and more anxious.

12-29-2010, 10:15 PM
Thanks guys ........ i seem to slip back into the what ifs alot lately....:( prolly just nervous about how im going to hold up in two new jobs and school and kids.....:o a question for forwells. didnt you say along time ago that you smoked heavily? do you think it affects your anxiety or helps it? or does it give you the ahh feeling it gives me sometimes.. and to j2005 i knowwwww i just cannntttt..... <whine> lol i am trying today i had a cup of koolaid in replace of the mountain dew... lol;)


12-30-2010, 08:29 PM
wellllll the only tips i have are keep yourself busy busy busy and when you feel the urge to smoke just do something else....take a note of what your doing that makes you want to smoke more for instance me its gaming cleaning and computer .......i dont really remember how much i smoke i just know that i smoke every time i think about it....maybe working on a hobby that requires you to not sit in one spot or going somewhere where you cannot smoke... like if you have work to do on computer try the library you cannot smoke in there you could break the habit of smoking at the computer..... its all in your head just like anxiety but we can only battle one thing at a time huh? or can we? i think that we can do as much as we are drivin to do....So do you have kids that need ya around? think of them when you smoke.....my grandpa died of cancer from smoking..... so thats a good motivator for me and plus my kids need me... its kinda complicated when your spouse smokes and has no desire to respect you trying to quit:rolleyes:....i find that when i am sick i smoke WAY LESS like 5 a day at most... but then i gradually start back up again when im better... if i can handle not smoking when im sick and i dont DIE because im not smoking then why not stay at same rate....mines just habit basically... i do smoke about a pack and half but its all out of habit.. if i relied on cravings then it would be way less... i agree there should be a forum that way we would know its really people and not some one trying to sell something.... good luck.... ;)