View Full Version : Help Please!!! need diagonsed with a problem no solution yet please help!!

12-28-2010, 12:59 PM
hi everyone im new on here, so i decided i would give this a try and maybe ask you guys lol. so here goes nothing.

I got sick in march which i never got this sick before i ended up gettin viral brochitis, then cured up from that then i started gettin this weird vision problem, like blurry but not blurry vision, i can see clearley but its hard to explain, i ended up getting panic attacks and also now i cant drive real far cause i start to panic without somebody and sometimes it even bothers me in stores when im with people then i have to leave cause i dont wanna embarass my self, my vison goes dizzy and weird in a store then i gotta hurry up and leave its weird. i had cardio work done, thyroid checked, went to a chiropractor, got vision checked and got new glasses, i went to a allergist i have allergerys but nothing major i do live with dogs which i am allergic to, but i dont think its panic and driving related lol. so my allergist said its anxiety and mild depression which im not depressed. so i took zolof for a bit, whiched helped but didnt help the vision, so then finally now i went to a therapist and he said it has to do with me smoking cigarrettes and its causing anxity ,which i did smoke a half a pack a day now im down to like 2 cigarrettes a day. which is a good thing.. but still get this weird spaced out vision a bit, i also take clonzapam to help with the anxiety in between smoking so i dont smoke as much... please help if anyone knows thanks i would highly appreciate it

12-28-2010, 01:27 PM
did my reply add?

12-28-2010, 01:29 PM
yes it added but not on my post

12-28-2010, 01:31 PM
OKAY ill type that again. I said not to scare you but my friend was having vision problems (blacking out) and it was bc she had a brain tumor. My moms friend also started having vision problems and thought he needed new glasses and when he went, they told him his glasses were fine and it ended up the same with him he had a tumor. It seems they would have checked you for that though if you have been to these doctors.

From my experience the doctors just say oh your young you have anxiety. They dont check me out or anything. I been diong this since i was about 14 or 15 andf now im 25. So sometimes i wonder if its even anxiety. I have never heard of smoking cigarettes causing anxiety.

12-28-2010, 01:32 PM
oh one more thing. I got addicted to xanbars for a while and i dont take all taht medicine the doctrs try to give. It makes things worse and doesnt make ur problem go away in the end!

12-28-2010, 01:33 PM
i had a ct scan after i got sick idk , my therapist blames it on the cigarettes

12-28-2010, 04:30 PM
not to butt into your conversation that you have going but YES YES YES cigarettes and Caffeine and sugar all make anxiety much much worse. they both spill into your adrenaline pool. which speeds up anxiety... look it up i swear....anyways i still smoke and drink caffeine like crazy which i have seen it make my anxiety much worse. i once drank nothing but water and juice all day and cut back on smoking and it help soooooooooooooooooooo much.... anways to the one about the xanax did it help with anxiety at all? i have xanax and dont take it because of addiction but was wondering how it affected you incase i have a uncontrollable panic attack then i might pop one...i only have 0.25 mg and i heard it wont do anything buy docs but its easier and less scarer when you have a person that has taken it.... thanks;)

12-29-2010, 08:48 PM
my therapist gave me 0.5mg of colnazpam and too take it at 9am or 2pm as needed thats what he told me to do

12-29-2010, 08:54 PM
what can i do to get sent to the right direction?

12-30-2010, 08:30 AM
The crazy thing is idk what is stressing me out , I guess me going thru life that's what my mom says, I just turned 21, I got sick and went to the hospital before all this happened and it seemed like I got all this right after I got sick.

12-30-2010, 06:23 PM
could bordem be stressing me out? since i sit at home alot

12-30-2010, 06:33 PM
and can be going to bed late also be my problem? cause i usually go to bed at 12:00 12:30 Everday, my therapist also said thats my problem could it be?

12-31-2010, 04:13 PM
Is it possible to mistake bordem as being depressed feeling? Cause sometimes i get this sad feeling sometimes idk if its the anxiety or what or being bored its kinda weird it can like turn its self on like instantly then will just disappear then when it wants to comes back... I really appreciate u helping me out by the way

12-31-2010, 06:12 PM
im male by the way, and i dont take in alot of sugar here and there but nothing crazy,i used to drink coffee but not anymore and i used to drink pop alot but now i drink caffeine free pop sometimes, but mostly water. and does that tyrosine help??

12-31-2010, 06:18 PM
so u think i should talk to my therapist about gettin off these stupid meds and take the thyrosine? lol

12-31-2010, 06:26 PM
see i notice when my sad feeling completley leaves im anxiety free sorta like a feel refreshed and renewned then like i said comes back maybe i should look in to the thyrosine

12-31-2010, 06:32 PM
i took buspar first which kinda helped i wasnt even on it for 2 weeks and i kept gettin dizzy and neasua, then moved on to zoloft which was on it for about not even 3 weeksand it was quarter of a pill they took me off and went on conlazapam which is .05mg and been on it for about a month. which i dont even take every day, i take a quarter a pill a day if needed.

12-31-2010, 06:37 PM
and if you dont mind me askng are you male or female?

12-31-2010, 06:51 PM
no i never got tested for vitamins and minerals, i got thyroid checked tho and it was good, and im a worrier lol, and whats a natropath? and if you dont mind me asking what do you do for a living? , you seem pretty smart

12-31-2010, 07:01 PM
thats cool i have antiques in the house we collect them, im mostly into coins tho my parents are into antiques also

12-31-2010, 07:03 PM
we sold a regent cone top can on ebay for 1,200 bucks which was really good and i collect and redo lawnboys

12-31-2010, 07:05 PM
and im into cars alot

01-01-2011, 05:19 PM
Hey again did u ever get like head pressure which I been getting when I sit for a bit or for a lil bit then when I get up my head hurts and gets like a pressure feeling then goes away in a couple seconds ? Is that blood pressure?