View Full Version : Currently doing the Linden Method

12-22-2010, 02:41 PM
Hi guys

I haven't been around for a couple of months because I'm trying the Linden Method at the moment.

I just thought I'd share my experience in case it helps. So far, I think the program is pretty good. I have had anxiety since I was 14, and "recovered" only to have my anxiety return two years ago causing a stress breakdown. The breakdown phase being the most difficult thing I've ever been through and it left me wondering if I'd ever recover.

Anyway, after two months I've seen major differences. I'm doing things that scare the bejesus out of me - only I'm managing the fear with great results. I even had A dental filling last week (major dental phobia) and didn't have a panic attack and scream at the dentist "let me out" as I imagined I would!!

So at this point I'm not completely anxiety free, but I think I'm well on the way. I was really skeptical of TLM before and only bought it one day out of desperation. I was pretty worried it was a scam. If it helps I got TLM off the iTunes app store and it currently resides on my iPhone so it comes everywhere with me. I keep earphones in my handbag at all times so I can listen to the program if needed.

12-27-2010, 02:48 PM
Hey Kath,

I've found the Linden method to be very helpful too, although I'm not very faithful at the 9 pillars; thanks for sharing,